Chapter 2: eepy boys (FLUFF!!!)

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Xiao sits on his bed and dramatically lays down. "God, Aether, I'm so tired..."

"Hey, it's ok! We don't have to talk if you don't want, I'll go make us ramen, just rest"

"..." Xiao sat up slowly and looked at Aether with hopeful eyes.

"You want Almond tofu don't you~"

Aether giggled and stood up, walking to where Xiao was sitting and kissing him on the forehead

"Yes, please," Xiao mumbled and blushed a bit at Aethers kiss

"Ok, I won't be long~"

"Thank you Sunshine"

" problem" Aether said the last line slowly, blushing a little at Xiaos nickname and walking out, thankfully Hu tao had gone into their room to play Minecraft. Xiao heard his phone notifications go off and looked at his phone to see who texted him.


yahoo xiao and aether! I made a group chat with all three of us! (pls dont flirt in front of my monster😭🙏)

Oh ew Venti, one sec I gotta make a contact name for you


aethers not responding here 😔😔😔

Oh he's just making some almond tofu for me :)


Xiao smiles?! Once in a lifetime bro🫡

Shut up asshole 🖕 i hope ur broke ass gets sent to the hospital



"Hey Xiao! I'm back~" Aether came back into Xiaos room carrying a plate with almond tofu and a bowl of ramen

"Oh, thank you honey~" Aether blushed, sitting next to Xiao on his bed and handing him the plate with almond tofu. Aether began eating his ramen quickly, Xiao taking slow bites of his tofu. They ate in silence for a while, Aether finishing his ramen and setting the bowl aside.

"Do you like it?"

"Oh yes! it's very yummy, thank you darling"

"Good, I'm glad!" Aether beamed at the compliment and scooted closer to Xiao, waiting for him to finish eating, kicking his legs like a child.

Xiao quickly finished eating after that and set his plate aside.

"So? What do you wanna do now?"

"I'm not sure, do you want me to undo your braid so you can sleep comfortably?"

"Oh- I guess that would be nice. Just please be careful." Xiao nodded and sat behind Aether, starting to undo Aether's carefully braided hair. He finished rather quickly, but it did feel nice to be this close to Aether and just sit in silence for a while.

"All done..." Xiao stared at Aethers hair; it was rather refreshing to see him without his braid.

"You look very pretty like this, love."

"Why thank you~" Aether blushed at the compliment and turned around to face Xiao

"Hmph, what time is it?" Xiao questioned, as he moved back to lay down comfortably on his bed.

"Oh, I think it's around 9?"

"I've been awake for over 12 hours then. Way too long. Imma go to sleep now." Xiao rolled his eyes and snuggled up under his blankets. Aether moved under them next to Xiao and held onto his arm, noticing this, Xiao moved and turned to Aether to cuddle him.

"Good night my little sunflower"

"Mm Good night, Xiao~"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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