3: Unseen Shadows

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The days passed by, and Anastasia's friendship with Lilian, her fellow BTS fan, continued to thrive. They were inseparable, always chatting about their favorite BTS songs, upcoming albums, and sharing their excitement for future concerts. Their laughter echoed through the hallways as they bonded over their mutual love for the sensational K-pop group.

In the midst of their friendship, Anastasia found herself growing closer to Matthew, whom she affectionately called Sky. Their encounters became more frequent, filled with laughter, playful banter, and the warmth of shared moments. They discovered a unique connection that made Anastasia's heart skip a beat.

Unbeknownst to Anastasia, Lilian  had developed feelings for Sky. She observed the growing bond between Anastasia and Sky and couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. Consumed by her misguided desires, she began plotting a scheme to sabotage their blossoming friendship.

One afternoon, as they sat in the school cafeteria, Anastasia and Lilian chatted excitedly about BTS's upcoming comeback.

"Can you believe it? Their new album is dropping next week!" Anastasia exclaimed, her eyes shining with anticipation.

Lilian nodded, her smile slightly forced. "Yeah, I can't wait. It's going to be amazing."

Anastasia noticed the hint of something off in Lilian's tone, but she dismissed it, assuming her friend was just having a bad day.

As they continued talking, Sky approached their table, his presence bringing an extra spark of energy to the conversation. Anastasia couldn't help but feel her heart skip a beat as he joined them.

"Hey, ladies! What are we talking about?" Sky asked, flashing a warm smile.

Anastasia's cheeks flushed slightly, but she quickly composed herself. "We were just discussing BTS's new album. Are you excited too, Luc?"

Sky chuckled, his eyes filled with genuine excitement. "Of course! I can't wait to see what they have in store for us this time. It's going to be epic."

Lilian's gaze shifted from Anastasia to Sky, her smile faltering for a moment before she spoke up. "Anastasia, don't you have that project due next week? Maybe you should focus on that instead of obsessing over BTS."

Anastasia felt a pang of confusion. She didn't understand why Lilian was suddenly being dismissive of their shared passion. "Well, I've been managing my time well, Lilian. I can still be excited about BTS and take care of my schoolwork."

Lilian shrugged, a hint of annoyance in her voice. "Suit yourself. I just think there are more important things to focus on."

Anastasia couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. But she chose to brush it aside, not wanting to let it overshadow the connection she was developing with Sky.

Days turned into weeks, and Anastasia and Sky found themselves sharing laughter and smiles in the hallways, exchanging playful banter and inside jokes. They gave each other silly nicknames and enjoyed their lighthearted moments together.

Meanwhile, Lily's jealousy continued to simmer beneath the surface, fueling her desire to sabotage their friendship. She believed that if she could eliminate Anastasia from the picture, Sky would be hers.

One day, Lily approached Sky when Anastasia wasn't around. She attempted to strike up a conversation, her voice carrying a hint of flirtation. "Hey, Sky. I've noticed how well you and Anastasia get along. But have you ever considered... us?"

Sky looked taken aback, his blue eyes filled with confusion. "Uh, Lilian, I thought we were just friends. I value our friendship, but I don't see us as anything more than that."

Lilian's expression hardened, her jealousy twisting into anger. "Well, maybe you should rethink that. Anastasia doesn't deserve you."

Sky frowned, sensing the bitterness in her words. "What's gotten into you, Lilian? Anastasia is my friend, and I won't let you badmouth her like that."

She quickly apologized and lied that she was having a bad day. Lilian's plan to sow discord between Anastasia and Sky had backfired. She hadn't anticipated Sky's loyalty and the genuine connection he shared with Anastasia.

As the days went on, they continued their friendship, unaware of the shadows that had threatened to tear them apart. Their genuine connection and trust in one another would be put to the ultimate test, unbeknownst to them, as they navigated the unforeseen challenges that lay ahead.

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