Chapter 1 - Introduction

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In the grand ballroom, lights sparkle and the lights shimmer like the heavens above watching us. The whole room dazzles as if it were from a fairytale. Then, they walk in. Who you may ask? Why the King and Queen of Rosaretta of course. As in synchrony, the king and queen they begin dancing in the center of the grand ballroom. Yet it is as though they are gliding effortlessly in magical splendor. What a sight to behold and what grace and beauty they share between each other.

But you see, it is not just their dance that captures the attention of others. No, it is the way that they hold each other's gaze and the language they speak to one another in secret. How their eyes stay locked with intensity and passion. How their movements portray an act of love and fire that seems to blend together as one. How they smile at each other with such warmth and happiness. Then, from one second to another, time stand still.

The world fades away and it just them alone, gazing into each other's eyes, and that for them is enough.

Let it be so, for these two souls are together as one, bound to each other by the stars that encapsulate them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2023 ⏰

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