chap. iv

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whatever goes around
eventually comes back to you.

chapter iv:
my lady,
a woman of joy.

so you gotta be careful, baby,
and look both ways
before you cross my mind.

"i told you you'll regret it" you murmured to belphie as you followed the group a little distance behind. belphie grunts and rolls his eyes, he bites his upper lip, trying to keep himself awake. his eye twitches, aching to just shut down.

"just.. i-i.. i can stay awake. don't underestimate me" belphie mumbled, holding onto your hand tightly, very tightly. his steps is very shaky and very unstable as he tries his very to keep his eyes open.

"hmph, what did i say ?" you smirk, dragging his slow body along. he blushes and scoffs at you, "those last 2 hours were you resting, i did it for you".

it was your turn to be flustered. you click your tongue and pull his hand forward suddenly to make him feel more awake "you only have yourselves to blame, don't put it all on me".

you look away with a small, embarrassed frown "if only you two didn't go too rough then we wouldn't be having this situation". belphie groans and slaps his cheeks harshly to keep his eyes open, making the group in front of you turn around.

"is something the matter ? alan doesn't look too bright" angelina commented, staring at belphie worryingly. belph shakes his head "it's nothing, ignore me".

"he just isn't used to going outside, he's all right" you smile at the group, holding belphie's hand tightly. belp mods, scratching his hair and flips it to the side as the group continues walking until ciel comes to a halt.

the place he stops was dingy looking, old, smelly, disgusting and seemingly abandoned if not for the decorations outside the concrete building, well, it's not a building, more like a small one story house.

you stares at the coffin and the gravestone, the seashells, oddly enough, to the sign 'undertaker' above the entrance. belph narrows his eyes, sensing something or more correctly, someone.

"what is this place ?" lau asked the question on everyone's mind, staring at ciel for an explanation with a confused but amused smile. angelina scoffs and turns to ciel "why are you familiar with this kind of place ?!" she yelled, holding up her dress with an angry expression.

"pl-please calm down, madam red" grell muttered, patting her shoulders and try to calm her down.

sebastian chuckles as ciel opens the door without knocking and casually walks inside the dimly lit room "because the person young master knows works as an undertaker".

"undertaker ?" angelina murmured, following behind the two with grell close to her. lau steps aside and gestures you to go in first "my lady" he said, smiling at you. you ignore him and walk inside, but unlike you, belphie couldn't ignore it.

chivalrous or not, fuck whatever that was. walking pass lau, belphie shoots him a glare, which lau returns with a smile. he doesn't care much but he's also quite amused, a butler this protective isn't a surprise but.. he just doesn't see this as protectiveness.

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