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Slight TW!: razor (no harm)


November, London.

After sitting in the park closest to my apartment for a while, it was finally time for my tattoo appointment. I stood up and put my phone in my pocket.

The cold night air brushed against my face as I walked, my hands stuffed into the pockets of my trenchcoat. I could tell snow would be arriving soon from the smell of the air.

All I wanted was to be somewhere warm right at that moment, but unfortunately, as it grew close to December, every single day was at least a little chilly.

I walked a few blocks further, my shoes clicking against the sidewalks, until a was a few steps away from the shop with the words 'TATTOOS' above the door. The building sported multiple other sections on top of it, just like everywhere in the area.

A few cars drove on the street drove past me and the light poles scattered around the sidewalks emitted a nice amber glow.

My right hand extended and pushed open the door to the shop. Warmth immediately engulfed my cold body and some nice smells flooded my nose.

I looked around for a moment before seeing someone's back turned to me at the other corner of the room, behind a little counter. My hands came up to my trenchcoat and removed it, leaving me in my jeans and black long-sleeve. I put my coat on the coat rack next to the door.

The guy was tall and was wearing headphones, and by the slight swaying of his hips, I could tell he was listening to music. 

His dark hair was in wicks, which bounced a little as his body moved. He seemed to notice my eyes on him and turned his head while removing his headphones and putting them around his neck.

"'Ello, miss. Here for a tattoo?" He questioned, his British accent deep and smooth, and he had many piercings of his own on his ears and one on his lip. He also had some on his eyebrows.

"Yeah," I replied, nodding my head slightly. Thankfully the collar on my shirt was low, leaving the spot where I wanted my tattoo open.

"A'right, fill these out, please." He then said, picking up some papers from the counter and handing them to me. There was a pen attached to the papers.

I thanked him and filled out the papers. I also paid the amount and gave him the papers after. He looked through them before putting them back on the counter.

"Now, ge' comfy in the chair there, I'll be over inna bit." He told me, pointing to the chair while he went into the back for something.

As I sat, I glanced around the walls. I saw the words 'Hobie's Tattoos and Piercings' written, which made me believe that had to be his name. There was also no one else in the room.

Hobie is an interesting name.

He came back from where he went and swiftly seated himself on the little rolling stool beside the chair.

"Firs' tattoo?" He asked me, covering his hands with black gloves and bringing out some alcohol wipes.

"Yup," I said a little nervously. 

"Don't be nervous. Now, you said in the paperwork, on ya collarbone, correct?" He reassured me, following with another question.

"Yeah, right side."

"And the design?" He asked. I brought out my phone and showed him what I wanted. It was simple and small.

"A'right..." He said, tearing open the alcohol wipe and bringing it out of the packaging. He ran it over the area, making me shiver from the sudden cold sensation.

𝘽𝙚𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙏𝙬𝙤 𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙨 || 𝙃𝙤𝙗𝙞𝙚 𝘽. ||Where stories live. Discover now