Chapter 4: Gray

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Urgh. The comfort I had of the person holding me was long gone. I was no longer exceptionally warm and I was tossing and turning. Where the hell did they go? Unsatisfied with my slumber I got out of bed and began to search for them. Nope, not in the bathroom. Maybe they're in the living room. Standing in my kitchen, stocking my fridge and cupboards with food was James and the other guys. I guess this is Logan trying to make up for what he did. I strode in and began searching through what they got me. Ooh there's a lasagna, my biggest weakness. 

All the boys were starring at me as if I were about to explode again. Well I see I have instilled fear. That's not the way I wanted to do it but there's nothing I can do about that. 

“Who bought the food?” I clutched the lasagna to my chest and stared at the delicious picture of it on the box. 

“I did.” Logan looked at the ground and stuffed his hands in his pockets. My assumptions were right. Deciding if I forgave him now it would be letting him off too easily. So I did what any other person would do. I threw the lasagna at him and demanded that he make it for me. Now to my next task. 

“Which one of you was in my bed as I napped?” I looked at them suspiciously waiting for an answer. 

“I was.” James stepped forward and averted my gaze. It's as if he's afraid of what I'll do. Without a second thought I walked up to him and got on my tiptoes to kiss his cheek. A smile immediately plastered on his face. 

“Thank you, because you were there I actually got some sleep for once.” The others looked bewildered. Jeez they're acting like I killed someone. 

Mariachi music began playing from my room.  “Ray!!!” I bolted to my room and grabbed my phone. It's been about a week since I've talked to her. 

“Jacey!” I plopped my self down on the couch and tuned out the guys. 

“How's California chicka?” 

“It's good but I miss you. You should come visit soon.” She chuckled. 

“Well I have a month left in Mexico. After that I promise to come visit you.” My face lit up with excitement. Ray and I haven't been apart this long since we were five and I got the flu. 

“Good cause I miss you making me dinner all of the time. I liked having authentic Mexican food. Taco bell just doesn't satisfy.” We shared a laugh before she was interrupted by a family member and they started yelling in Spanish. 

“I gotta go Jay.” I sighed. This always happens.

“Alright bye. Love ya Ray Ray.” Too bad she couldn't have come with me. 

“Love ya too.” She hung up the phone, leaving me to hangout with the guys. I checked the clock on my phone before rejoining them. Wow it's only one o clock. 

“Who wants to go with me to sign up for some fights coming up?” Mmmm the smell of lasagna hit my nose as I entered the kitchen.

“I'll go with you.” James smiled widely at me. I have a feeling we'll be spending a lot more time together. 

“Let's eat first.” My eyes transfixed on the delicious pan of food as Logan pulled it out of the oven. This is what I've been waiting for. I walked over to it getting ready to cut myself a piece.

“It's too hot. Let it cool.” Logan slapped my hands away, preventing me from touching it. I childishly whined and plopped down on a chair in the dinning room. The rest of the guys joined me as Logan prepared other things for us to eat with our lasagna. James smiled at me like a dork, Kendall stared at us suspiciously, and Carlos observed the two. Then he got wide eyes as if something clicked in his head. I wonder what it is. 

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