Chapter 32

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Katie comes down her stairs after getting ready for work. The coffee machine dings indicating it is ready. She pours herself a cup and starts scrolling through the news on her phone. There is a lot of publicity about the murder at the Forrester Creations building a few days ago. The investigation is ongoing, the murderer left no evidence behind and so far they could find nothing missing. Dominic has been working with the police on trying to find if they were looking for anything digitally, so far they came up with nothing. This has been a PR nightmare so far. They had been working from home, but the LAPD just cleared the building and they were to return to work today. While deeply entranced in the PR nightmare that has become her life, she snaps out of it when she hears a small crash and glass breaking from her bedroom.

Katie curiously heads towards the stairs to her bedroom after putting her coffee mug down. Will is at boarding school, Bill seems to have stopped trying to win her back since Willa was born, who could it be. Katie slowly pushes open the door to her bedroom and sees a picture frame from her bedside table lying on the floor broken next to the bed. She slowly walks over to it and picks it up, it's a wedding picture of her and Bill. She stares down at the perfect metaphor for her and Bill's past. As she is deeply staring into the picture she notices a reflection in the picture frame of something behind her, she turns around and sees a dark figure swing a knife at her. All she can do is scream. She feels the pain of the knife stabbing her right threw her heart as everything fades to black.

Felicia arrives at the Forrester building, the feeling walking in the building was very heavy. She was heartbroken over what had happened with Tim. And to be honest she was a bit nervous. They had no idea who did this and what their motive was. She walks into her office, it's in pristine condition, they cleaned it very well. She could still smell the strong odor of bleach. She pauses for a moment then sits behind her desk to open her laptop and start the day.

Meanwhile at Deacon's restaurant Eric is cleaning the coutertop and stocking up the garneshes for the day. He looks up to see detective Sanchez and lieutenant Baker walk in.

"Good morning gentlemen," He politely greets them, "Can I offer you two a cup of coffee."

"No thank you," lieutenant Baker says seriously, "this is not a social call."

Eric looks at the lieutenant confused, "What can I help you with?"

"Have you heard about the events that happened at Forrester Creations?"

"Of course, it's been all over the news, but what does that..." Eric cuts himself short when he realizes they are trying to pin this on him, "Why are you hear?" He asks in a more stern voice.

Lieutenant Baker doesn't break eye contact, "Well I guess you have already gathered why I am here. Where were you the night of the murder?"

"I was here, working a late shift. And if you don't mind me asking, why would you think I had anything to do with this?"

"Well you were found guilty of hacking S.T. Marone on behalf of you sister. Why wouldn't you want to get back at the company for firing her?"

"Well Lieutenant, as you know that whole scheme blew up in my face. It took a while for my sister to forgive me, then she just flat out used me how she could. Then trashed me to her mother and I overheard it. I said my piece and haven't spoken to her since. She is way more of a Logan than a Sharpe, and she made that crystal clear."

Lieutenant Baker nods, "Ok, we're going to check the servalience. Just don't leave town."

Bill is at his house spending time with Willa. He is bouncing his beautiful baby girl on his knee, playing peak-a-boo, being a hands on father. He hears a knock at the door. He picks Willa up and answers the door. He sees a couple of LAPD CSI officers.

"Mr. Spencer, I'm sorry to come here on these cercumstances, but we need for you to identify a body."

Bill's heart sinks as he clutches Willa harder, "Of course." He manages to stutter out. "Let me just call my daughter's mother to come get her."

"Of course." The CSIs cautiously say.

Hope is at home flipping through her social media when she sees Bill calling her. Hope rolls her eyes and reluctantly answers, "What."

"Hope, I would hope that you would be more engaged since I have our daughter."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know she's fine. Get to the point Bill."

"I need for you to come pick her up."

"Oh, so you don't want custody anymore?"

"Of course I want as much custody as I can, but the CSIs need me to identify a body."

This got Hope's attention. Everyone she knew that Bill would have to identify was someone in her family or at least once was. "Let's just get a nanny, I want to come with you."

Bill does not want his daughter with a stanger at this time knowing what has been going on. "I'll call someone else to watch Willa, if you want to meet me at the morgue, fine."

Hope hangs up. Bill calls Wyatt, "Hey Dad."

Bill can hear the laughter of Alex in the background along with another kid, probably Douglas or Kelly or Hayes. "Hey, I know it sounds like you have a full house there. But can you watch Willa for a few hours? I just got a visit from CSIs asking me to identify a body."

Wyatt's heart sinks, "Of course Dad. Bring her over and please keep me updated."

Bill arrives at the morgue. Hope runs at him screaming, "Why aren't they letting me in! I am Hope Logan! They said they need YOU."

Bill pushes past her tantrum, "I'm William Spencer Jr. You needed me to identify a body."

"Yes," the autopsy technichian says, "Please, come this way."

She leads Bill to a room, he sees a body under a sheet. He takes a deep breathe, they pull back the sheets and Bill looses his breath.


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