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All he wanted to was to find Hazel and drink some hot chocolate with her. He had just finished another senate meeting, which he for once would wish he could call boring.

Now he and Reyna were walking through the streets on their way back to the Principa, trying to look as if they just hadn't walked out of a disaster. 

They greeted random people who walked by, doing their best to look as relaxed as possible. That was also why they didn't carried weapons (If you didn't count the fact that Frank could turn into animals, and that Reyna had hidden knives in her boots). Just to show that weapons weren't needed.

As they walked into the Principa, Frank let out a sigh. The table was getting more and more messy, and the jellybeans bowl more and more empty (at first he hadn't understood why it stood there, but he ended up quickly being very fond of it).

"These Senate meeting aren't getting us anywhere.'' Reyna complained as she sat down.

"Maybe it's because we are starting in the wrong end." Frank suggested.

Reyna smiled. "What end?" Then she took on her 'Preator-face.' "Anyways, I think you right. The best way to solve this problem is to find out who's behind it, and why. The problem is how. It's clear that our meetings with the centurions aren't getting us anywhere, except they are getting them more and more worried. Or some of them."

Frank knew exactly what she meant, he had once again observed some of Octavian's earlier friends, and all of them looked like they enjoyed to see their struggle. "Yeah. We still need to clean up Octavian's mess. We can put that one the list after we have stopped this rebellion."

Reyna yawned. "Yeah. So this rebellion, how do you think it works?"

"Well, me and Hazel have this theory." Reyna gestured for him to go on. "We think that it's the meaning that we should find out about this, because they want the rumors to be spread, so they know who's interested. But they still want it to be so secret that nobody, who isn't a part of the rebellion, can find them. But obviously, some of the potential members could happen to not be interested, so they need to have a way to treat these persons. Which mean that the members need to be someone with power. That also means that some of them probably are centurions, which means that they know everything we discuss in the senate. Some of them probably also live in New Rome so they can spread the rumors there. And if they live there, they have weapons inside to thread people with."

Reyna frowned at the last part. "But Terminus is guarding New Rome. How should they get weapons inside then? Unless..."

"They use kitchen knifes and stuff like that."

"So, if they want people with power, the ultimate goal for them would be the preators, and if they can't convince them, they need to have the people against them. Which also mean that it isn't only the powerful persons, but also the popular persons they want. "

Strikes of fear shoot him. Hazel. Would they possible threat her? Just to get to him? "Is there a chance that they would try to threat us?"

Reyna bit her lips. "Maybe. If they can."

He opened and closed his mouth, not sure on what to say. Were they hurting her right now? Was there a chance that they would kidnap her? Or were they just spying at her?

Relax, he thought. Hazel can take care of herself, and she had proven it many times. Still...Frank couldn't stop being worried about her.

"Don't worry Frank. She can take care of herself. And at least they can't get her out of the borders of Camp Jupiter."

Reyna words helped a bit, but he couldn't help but think that they still could kill her. Even through it would be hard to find a place to keep the body.

"I know." He said at last.

"So," Reyna started, obviously trying to change the subject, "let's get back to work."

Frank frowned, as he realized it was his turn to have the afternoon-watch. "Don't you have the afternoon off?"

Reyna sighed. "Yes, but the work can't wait."

"I can do that. Go enjoy yourself, and get some sleep."

Reyna yawned. "Thanks. I would enjoy a hot chocolate." She started to go, but as at an afterthought she turned around with a grin. "Good luck with the work."

Frank couldn't help but to return the smile. "Good luck with not falling asleep at the cafe."

Reyna laughed. "Thanks, I will need that. See you tomorrow." And then she walked out.

Back to work. Frank sighed, and took a jellybean from the bowl, hoping that it would help him get started.

So...where should he start? Well, a good start could be the most infected kohort. Witch defiantly was the first, since they hadn't banished all the criminals.

He started writing down the criminals on a list from first kohort. Then he went through them, deciding who would firstly be brave enough to start a rebellion, secondly, sly enough to make it work this way. When he had listed them down, he looked at who they could possible contact. And how it went on with every other cohort.

When he had done it, he marked the one who possible was the best one to get information from if they were a part of this rebellion.

Then he did the same with all the people who wasn't criminal, but was powerful or popular.

After some time, Hazel came inside with a plate of food. "Thanks," he muttered, and quickly looked up, and gave her a kiss.

When he finally had found all his people, he started to draw lines between people, considering there's relationship, and abilities.

When the sun had sunken down, he ended up with five different persons who could be behind the rebellion. Dwayne, Noma, Chikae, Bruce and Gwen.

He yawned and stood up. He could continue tomorrow. Right now, he needed to get some sleep.

But even when he lay in his bed, he couldn't stop thinking. Could Gwen really be a part of the rebellion? She seemed to sweet for that, but on the other side, he understood why she would rebel against the gods, after all they have killed two of his friends. And what about Hazel? Were they watching her now? Were they threading her now?

But at last Frank fell asleep, doing his best to forget about the blond person who was watching him through the window.


I found a picture with the chapter name XD. That's incredible!

Anyways, I know I said we will visit Annabeth's mom last chapter...but I mixed up some chapters. 

So here comes the questions:

-Are Gwen really a part of the rebellion?

-Who are watching Frank in his sleep?

-Do you think that Hazel might be killed?

So hope you enjoyed, and happy birthday Annabeth. The best Wise Girl Percy Jackson could wish for!

Don't forget to vote and comment! ;-)

-The  Crazy Girl.

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