A Hero's Greatest Fear | Dan Kouzo

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The feeling of blood on your hands, is it your enemies? Or something much worse.

Dan felt dazed, his vision was blurry yet so very clear at the same time. Is this reality? Or some very twisted dream that he was stuck in. Eventually, his vision became a little more clear, the feeling of his double bladed axe heavy in his hand with something smudged and warm all over his other.

What, what’s happening?

Eventually, reality, or what seemed to be reality, set in for the boy. He seemed to have frozen in his spot, pupils dilating around the area rapidly, trying to understand what was happening. His head was trying to come up with reasons, telling him this wasn’t real.

What had he done? How did it end up like this?

His friends were scattered all over the ground, bleeding, injured, they didn’t even look alive. They seemed to be barely holding onto their dear lives, it was heartbreaking. Dan didn’t know what to do, his flight or fight mode kicked in and it chose to freeze. He needed to know so badly what happened but

He couldn’t bring himself to approach his best friends.

Something suddenly grabbed his jacket, causing the boy to jump. He slowly looked down to greet whatever or whoever grabbed him.


He dropped down to him, a look of worry and some type of relief dressed his face. Dan just held Wynton, hoping he could help him, and get some answers about what happened to his friends. Wynton just looked at Dan, he didn’t look happy to see him, to be fair it was hard to tell with how bloody and beaten his face was.

“Dan… why?”

“What happened, what do you mean? Wynton, dude talk to me”

“Why did you… do this”

Dan just stared at him, in pure shock. He started slightly shaking Wynton, hoping he’d elaborate. “What do you mean? Wynton please I’d never do this, what do you mean?” his voice croaked, a knot emerging in his throat

Wynton didn’t even react, just falling limp in Dan’s arms, causing him to start panicking even more. He frantically looked around again, breathing becoming very quick. ‘Wynton…” he almost sobbed, placing his friend onto the ground gently. He didn’t even know what to do, he just stared at his shaking hands, stained with what once was his biggest support, the closest people in his life.

He went to look around again, seeing if anyone could explain to him what happened and maybe reassure him that… this wasn’t what he thought. He looked up and his eyes grew wide. Drago was rolled out, it looked like smoke was emitting from his mouth like a volcano. Dan felt his free hand grab something, a bakucore.

“Wait, what am I doing?”

Dan felt like he couldn’t control his body. He tried to stop himself from throwing the bakucore but it had already left his hand and hit Drago. The bakugan stood there for a bit before turning to face the lifeless bodies of his friends.


Drago breathed in.

Dan got up and ran in front of his friends, putting his arms up.


He closed his eyes, waiting for the impact, only to open them and find he was suddenly on top of Drago pointing down at his friends.


A bright orange light.


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