o c t o p u s

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'she's not even awake yet',

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'she's not even awake yet',

I heard someone say, I groaned slightly,

'if you are talking about me then you should know that I am awake',

I said feeling so hungover it wasn't funny, I felt the bed dip slightly and I rolled over to see who it was,

'morning baby',

I heard Chandler say, quickly realising that he was the one that had sat next to me,

'how is the party girl this morning?!',

Joey yelled extremely loudly walking into my room, I quickly sat up so I could flip him off but quickly felt everything that I drunk and eaten for that matter rise up, I quickly ran towards the bathroom scared that I would not make it in time, I gagged slightly before beginning to vomit,

'from that sound not too great',

Joey said beginning to laugh, I heard Chandler approach from behind me,

'baby you okay?',

Chandler asked me before pulling my hair up and out of my face,

'I sound like a dying octopus Bing, what do you think?'.

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