Chapter 3

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Victor did use the bathroom before he left the diner. It was a cramped, two-person room with one stall and a urinal. When he relieved himself, Victor admired his penis. He stretched it out. From what he found on the Internet, it was above-average in length. When he had paid a woman to suck him off, she made no comment about his size. He almost asked but he didn’t want her to look at him with that skeletal face and gap-tooth smirk.

“Soon enough,” he murmured to it.

He put himself carefully away in his pants before he could get excited and washed his hands at the sink. Too many images crowded his mind. So many ways he could manipulate the female body. So many positions. He had to keep those images in check. If he let his excitement get control, he would lose the upper hand. He had planned this for far too long to let it get away because he was desperate for a woman’s touch.

After the cleansing, there would be plenty of women for men like him. Plenty of touching.

Mercy Higgins could be saved. It would be her choice.

Victor almost missed the writing on the mirror. He started to turn away, shaking his hands dry, and wondering if using their water had been such a good idea; it might permeate his skin, infect him.

In the lower right corner, scratched into the mirror’s surface, it said: Cleanse the World.

Victor traced the three words with his finger. The indentations they made in the mirror were like slices in skin, knife tracks about to spout blood.

It didn’t matter who put it there, Hugo or someone before him. It was another sign.

Victor left the bathroom. His smile must have looked so peculiar.

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