(6) Another meeting.

431 7 6

Remember ⇩
Intense thinking/speaking

Akaza pov

After what feels like a few seconds, like always, I wake up. I yawn and stretch a bit. I stretch my right arm up, and accidentally punch someth... no, I just punched douma. Whoops.
"Owwhhy akaza-dono!"
He whines out. I accidentally punched the right side of his face off. I can't help but let out a soft chuckle.
"Oh my bad."
I reply, even though I knew I didn't actually mean it.. but as long as he thinks I'm serious it's alright, I suppose.
"It's okey~"
He says, and regenerates the side of his head while smiling. Why is that actually kinda creepy..? Never mind. Whatever. I then sit up, and rub my eyes a bit. I did feel a lot better than I did yesterday, but I could tell I wasn't back to my full strength just yet.
"Oo oo~! Akaza-dono.. I forgot to tell you that we already have another meeting today~! I'm not sure wh-"
"What? No.. that's not possible. We just had one a few days ago.."
I blurt out. We usually have a meeting about every 100 years. unless...
"Ah akaza-dono... you where sleeping for about 5 days..."
He cuts off my train of thoughts. I stand up, and look down at him. Why do his lips look so.. and his... wait wtf, no. Stop thinking that shit!
"5 full days..?!? No.. what..? Even if it was only 5 days, we shouldn't have a meeting thi-"
before I'm even able to finish my sentence, by the sound of the biwa I'm teleported back to the infinity castle.
"Great. Just great."
This time I don't have to make my way to the main meeting area, I'm already here. Another biwa strum. Douma appears a few yards next to me. And another biwa strum... I suppose upper one. Did upper 5 or 4 die? Upper 5 perhaps..? No.. or was it both..? they assigned to go on the same mission.. so it'd make most since if they both di..
"Correct, akaza."
My eyes widen a bit from hearing lord Muzans voice. I quickly get down on my knees, along with douma.
"Both upper 4 and upper 5 died, on the mission I sent both on.."
he pauses.
"But, because of their deaths, or at least upper 4s death Ive found something.. rather extraordinary."
He finished his sentence. Id be about to speak, but douma gets to it before I do.
"That's fascinating, lord muzan~! What did you find~? A stronger demon?~ the demon slayer headquarters~? Or perhaps the blue spider lily~?!"
He seems intrigued by the word 'extraordinary'... kinda close to how a toddler would react.. but of course he just has no emotions and is trying to sound.. mm.. excited, I suppose.
"It does have something to do with the blue spider lily, I suppose."
He replies after a few seconds. I couldn't help but glance up, since my mission.. since as long as I can remember.. was to find the blue spider lily.. did some other find it..?
"A demon, the demon who has recently slipped out of my grasp. She barely knows what the blue spider lily is, but.."
He pauses. I feel his gaze down on me, no, not just me, us.
"She has conquered the sun, and I have no more need for the blue spider lily as long as I get my hands on her.. so.. akaza. You will no longer be searching for the blue spider lily. It will now be considered a waste of time."
After a few seconds, he speaks again.
"I will also be looking for new replacements for upper 4, 5, and 6."
He adds. It's only natural, or common to find a new replacement for a upperanks after their deaths.
"But.. none of you will let your guard down despite this. Understood?"
No response. Just how he likes it. Of course, I'd never let my guard down if I was commanded to by lord Muzan.
"Good. Meeting dismissed."
And of the strum of the biwa, lord Muzan disappears.
"Hey biwa woman! Would you like to-"
Douma blurts out, but gets cut off by a strum of the biwa, from the biwa woman.. most like teleporting him back to his temple. I laugh a bit, that was quite funny. I look up at the biwa woman. She nods, since I ask to go to the same place every time. She then teleports me to my dojo. I lay down on my bed, and sigh in relief. Atleast I get to rest on missions for awhile. But god dammit.. why do I miss douma..? No, not just douma... but.. his touch..? Gah, dammit. Stop thinking that shit akaza.. what has gotten into me..? I seriously can't be falling for him this easily.. he isn't even trying to flirt with me or anything.. but dammit, I can never get him off my mind now. I try to think of something else, but it always has him in it.. why him..? Ugh, god damn it Im in love with him.. aren't I..?


Douma pov
I get teleported back to my temple before I even get to finish my sentence. I'm sat down on my throne.
"Awh cmon... why does no one want to hang out with me..? Not even the biwa woman.."
I pout in annoyance. But seriously~! Barely no one wants to even talk to me when not forced to~ it makes me sad!~ in a way, i guess.. (╥_╥) But at least I have akaza-dono~ and he's so cute when he's angry~! He's so muscular~ but not as muscular as me, heh~ but it's weird~ why is his waist so slim.. almost exactly like a females waist? Mm whatever.. but his skin is so soft~ now I think of it, I wonder why he asked me to stay with him and not leave him~? He is quite a good cuddle buddy, I suppose~? it's something that makes him.. cuter? Mm what's this weird.. feeling? Am I experiencing feelings?!
"Lord douma..! The Guests have been waiting.."
One of my servants knocks at the door. I snap out of thought.
"Oh my already?"
I laugh.
"Ah, yes! My apologies!"
I grab my hat and put it on, and get into a comfortable position on my throne filled with pillows.
"Come in, please!"

Word count:
1103 words

(Sorry this is probably way different than the manga! I'm trying to make it a bit different so it can be a bit more entertaining 😓 also, next chapter will be a douma pov!!)

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