Chapter 1

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No one POV

A young boy, the age of 5, watched in horror as flames spread everywhere. The screams of his fellow inhabitants of the village, the cries of the other people mourning those who died, and clashing sounds of steel.

All those sounds played throughout his head as he watched, he didn't cry, scream, or even move. He sat in the pool of flames amongst the large number of corpses, but all he could think was one thing.


He wondered why.

Why this was happening to his village of all villages?

Why was this even happening at all?

Why did his family and friends have to die?

After standing there waiting to die, he had another question. Once all the flames had died out, and the remaining warriors had left the area, the only thing left here was destruction, corpses, and of course...himself.

He didn't understand.

" I still alive?"

He looked down at his arm, it had been severely burned from the flames. His legs were just fine, and so was the rest of his body.

"Why did only I survive?"

Still, the boy did not cry.

He turned around and began to walk aimlessly. He had never been outside his village before, so he didn't know anything about where he was headed.

Still, the boy walked.

He walked, and he walked, and he walked some more. He walked until his feet grew blisters and his legs felt inoperable.

Still, the boy walked.

He walked without food, his stomach felt like it was eating itself. He walked without water, his throat as dry as the air on a day too hot. He walked without sleep, the circles under his eyes resembled black holes. He walked, and walked, and walked.

Until he couldn't walk anymore.

The boy found himself collapsing inside of a woods. He had walked for two weeks straight, surviving purely off will power.

However, his will had given out.

"I'm going to die..."

Knowing this fact hadn't made the boy more afraid, and it hadn't brought him any misery.

He actually felt relieved.

"I free..."

As he slowly began to shut his eyes, he could hear a faint sound of what resembled foot steps.

But he paid it no mind.

He was free.


Or so he thought.

He woke up in some room, a bed underneath him and a roof over his head. His left arm had been covered in bandages, and there was a bowl of food next to him.

His head felt light so he reached up, feeling his hair had been cut. He looked down at himself as well, a red kimono wrapped around him that matched his hair and eyes.

"Where am I?"

After thinking for a few seconds, the boy just began to eat the food with his usable arm. He heard some foot steps as someone walked in the room.

Upon looking he seen it was a very beautiful woman, the most beautiful he had seen anyway. She had long elegant purple hair, some of it in a bun upon her head, and the rest flying down her back. Her big bright yellow eyes had a wonderful sparkle, and she had very pale skin.

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