Tacos, Accents and Daddy Direction

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"I really don't know how to react right now"

I smiled as the moment of silence after I had finished telling my story vanished into thin air. Harry looked genuinely perplexed as he tried to figure out what sort of expression he should take on.

"I don't expect you too. It's weird for most people to think that this sort of thing happens on a regular basis" I said, looking over at the curly haired lad.

"Why do you think he's calling you?" Louis asked, licking his lips nervously.

"I don't know" I said, taking my phone in my hand "And I don't intend to find out" I finished, thinking about turning it off completely, but settling on simply slipping it into my front pocket.

"You still care for him, don't you" Liam asked, or rather stated, quietly.

"Of course I do" I said slightly irked “He might be an idiot who doesn't understand when someone’s trying to help him" I looked at Liam, who was staring down at his hands intently” But he's still important to me. He might not be my friend, but his well-being is still my priority"

I've just confused myself. Of course I still cared for the boy, but he had made it quite clear that I was a waste of space in his life. The speech that I just gave Liam had only made me feel more muddled about what I should do. What if he was in trouble? What if he was in trouble and he turned to me for help? I shook the thought out of my head, and decided that if he rings again I'll answer. If he doesn't, then I'll know that whatever it was, it obviously wasn't that important. Or important enough to bother calling me twice at least.

"Aren't you going to call him back?”

I looked at Zayn while lifting my eyebrows "Would you?”

"I see your point"


Niall was keeping quiet as he listened in on our conversation. He had barely moved since I started speaking, and looked deep in thought. Which in itself was rather amusing. His eyebrows were furrowed slightly, and his nose a little scrunched. He had his elbows leaning against his knees, and was gazing at the floor attentively.

The others, noticing I wasn't speaking anymore, also looked at Niall, turning to look at what I was staring at. Even with all five of us now gawking at him, Niall was still of in a daze, blissfully unaware of the attention he was getting.


He jumped, jerking his head to the side as Liam said his name questionably.

"Are you okay?" I asked Niall tentatively, looking him over "You look pale"

Or, you know, paler than usual anyway.

Niall gave us a small smile as he repositioned himself on the pillow "I'm fine" He said calmly "But would it make me a sick sort of person to say I enjoyed that?”

I looked at him in dis-belief the other boys scowling. Zayn even had a disgusted look on his face.

Seeing our expressions, Niall quickly went about re-wording what he had said in the first place “No! I- oh God...No, I meant I enjoyed the way you TOLD the story,all the detail and stuff,  not that I enjoyed hearing about the events themselves! That would be sick!" His panicked voice filled the room as Niall tried justify his answer. I couldn't help but laugh at his alarmed expression, and the others looked at me curiously. I guess they thought I should be offended - angry even? But I knew that whatever Niall said had just come out wrong, he didn't mean it the way we understood it.

"It's fine Niall, honestly" I said, shooting him a grin "I understand you're talking about my story telling skills?”

Niall nodded eagerly, while Liam sighed "You should think before you open your mouth Ni" he said sternly "One day you'll either hurt someone, or someone will hurt you"

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