SFW; Eve and Meurdrac

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Eve; "How do I lose a whole damn Warlock? I wish I could tell you."

Evelyn spake this with a sigh as she paced back and forth in the Bazaar in front of Ikora and Eris, the sun setting in the background of Ikoras workspace. Eris held her Ahamkara bone between her palms, the boundary of Soulfire pressing against her gloves like a steaming engine. Her lips parted a moment before Eris spoke up.

Eris; "I would not consider this unusual for her. Like I, Herra has been known to simply disappear to work on other projects... Though, her motivations as of yet are unclear."

Ikora clasped her hands in front of her waist before interjecting.

Ikora; "Eris is right; Herra can take care of herself, but that doesn't lessen your burden."

Eve; "Meurdrac was supposed to watch her. Where was she when this happened?"

Eve turned to face the pair with a furrowed brow. Had she teeth, she would've grit them, though her voice emulated it just as well.

Eve; "*Not even my own daughter can do her job!*"

The Exo stopped a moment to take a deep breath, a column of heated air leaving through a vent on the top of her head, visible against the light of the Bazaar in a shimmer. When she spoke again, her voice was quieter; defeated, almost.

Eve; "Every time I try to think of where she went... Nothing comes up."

Ikora held up a hand, hesitating to put it on Eves shoulder before retracting it back to her lap.

Ikora; "You can't blame yourself for everything that goes wrong in RUIN. Some things are out of your control."

Evelyn let out a huff, somewhere between amusement and frustration.

Eve; "Control was the one thing Herra could pride herself on. Control of herself, of the situation, of others to an extent..."

Eris removed a hand from her sphere to hold Evelyns arm by the bicep, giving it a gentle squeeze.

Eris; "Wherever she has gone, do not think ill of her; I have never known Herra to do something that would endanger those she cares about."
Evelyn shrugged off Eriss hand and turned towards the sunset, coloring the clouds and sky shades of vermilion, rose pink and gold, her voice box simulating the sound of a swallow.

Eris; "... You taught her that, did you know? That despite all she has done, will do or is currently doing... She cares. And not just about you. You taught her she's Human, more than a tool of the Light or Dark. More than a sorceress of Hive arcana."

Eve nodded gently looking back to Eris, her voice cracking at first before settling out.

Eve; "Yes... She is Herra. And she'll be ok. I know it."

Ikora allowed a small smile to crease her face, gesturing to Evelyn.

Ikora; "So, what is your plan now, Evelyn?"

Eve turned to look at Ikora, tilting her head down with a sigh. She kept her hands at her sides, refraining from clenching her fists.

Eve; "Well... No matter where Herra went, Meurdrac still didn't do her job... Which is unfortunate. I'll have to speak to her about it."

Eris straightened her posture before interjecting.

Eris; "Permit me to come with you. You may be her mother, but we were both servants of the Queen."

Eve; "... Very well."
Meurdrac stood in a Crucible simulator in the Tower, glaive in hand with white-knuckle grip. Her verdant eyes illuminated the blade of her weapon as Vex particulates materialized around her, conjuring a recreation of a Cabal base on Nessus, drills swinging about clockwise as it cleared away calcified radolaria like shattering concrete.
She used her left hand to toss a Glacier grenade, creating a platform for her to clamber up onto the landing platform into the drill, dropping down in front of the controls, glaive first, to impale a Cabal Gladiatrix through the back. Meurdrac would leap from the body onto a large hologram projector, surrounded by various Cabal and Psions.

Swapping the glaive to her left hand, she grew Stasis claws in her right and shoved the blades into the projector, creating a shockwave of Stasis that froze all the Cabal around her. She dissolved the claws and held the glaive with both hands before slamming the crystal growth at her feet, shattering everything around her. She let out a shout of anger before looking behind her, spotting Evelyn and Eris walking into the simulation room.

Meurdrac; "... Computer, end simulation."

The corpses and industrial noise dissolved around her into the air, Meurdrac stepping off the hologram projector as it faded away. She mounted the glaive on her back and took in a deep breath as she walked closer, her exhalations filled with Stasis mist flowing out either side of her face.

Evelyn; "Meurdrac... I need to talk to you about something."

Meurdrac furrowed her brow, making a noise akin to a growl.

Meurdrac; "I know she's gone, you don't have to remind me! I allow her one moment of privacy and she's gone!"

Eris took a step forward, her Soulfire sphere subtly swirling in her hand.

Eris; "While her whereabouts are unknown, do not think it is your fault. Herra, as much as I, have been known to abruptly disappear when driven to doing something of importance."

Meurdracs fists shivered at her sides, her breathing shaky as she responded.

Meurdrac; "That's not an excuse for me failing my duty! Were I still a Corsair, I would've been stripped of my rank!"

Evelyn narrowed her eyes as she rested a hand on her hip.

Eve; "What would you have me do, then?"

Meurdrac; "You tell me, *mother*."
Eve seemed almost taken aback by the tone in which she'd been called that, blinking rapidly as her mind raced. Thoughts about what Meurdrac really thought of her filled her mind, fearing the worst as she took a step forward, holding out a hand to Meurdracs shoulder.

Eve; "... Marie, please-"

Meurdrac almost hissed as she backed away from the hand, her glove tearing from the strength of her grip.

Meurdrac; "Don't, call me that! It's Meurdrac! Marie died on the Yang Liwei."

Eve stopped herself from bringing a hand to her chest, even as she felt like she'd taken a bullet to her synthetic heart. She could feel her legs weaken, her mouth hanging slightly agape. She very nearly stumbled over, laying a hand on Eriss shoulder to steady herself. Eris looked back at Evelyn a moment before turning to Meurdrac.

Eris; "You needn't hurt your mother like this! It won't bring Herra back to the city!"

Meurdrac bowed her head a moment before looking back to the pair, pulling the glaive off her back once more.

Meurdrac; "You're right... I'll find her myself."

She turned around, and Eris reached a hand out as the chartruse titan transmatted away. Looking back to Evelyn, Eris sprayed Stasis mist behind the Exo to make a stool for her to sit on. Eves eyes fluttered as she gripped either side of the seat, her breathing intensified to the point of hyperventilating. Eris knelt down beside Evelyn, the Exos voice cracking as she spoke, quiet and occasionally interrupted by a hitch in her breathing, as if holding back tears.

Eve; "... I can't lose them, Eris... Herra should be safe, but I can't... I can't believe that. I'm lying to myself... And Marie-"
Eve leaned forward, holding her hands over her face as she whimpered, and Eris rested a hand on Eves back. Eris could feel Eves core shaking as fear overtook her, her expression concealed by her hands.

Eve; "... I *just* learned I have a daughter... I can't lose her either..."

Evelyn stifled another whimper as she pulled her legs up, hugging her knees to her chest.

Eve; "I can't..."

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