6 • Stupid

486 14 5

"Food's here!"

T-Dog's joy-filled voice echoed around the cellblock, making Alexa look up from her patients.

"There's a lot more where this came from." The man was saying as Alexa stepped into the doorway of the cell.

T-Dog walked past, grinning from ear to ear as he carried two large boxes of canned goods. Alexa couldn't help but smile a little at the sight. The group had gone so long without seeing that much food. It was almost unbelievable.

However, the smile disappeared from Alexa's face as Rick walked up, bags of flour in his hands. "Any change?" He quizzed.

Alexa frowned. "The bleeding's stopped and there's no fever." She sighed. "But his breathing is labored, his pulse is low, and he's not responsive."

"Take my cuffs, put them on him." The leader decided after a moment, turning around so that the girl could get the cuffs and key from the back pouch on his belt. "I'm not taking any chances."

Alexa grabbed the cuffs, fiddling with them in her blood-stained hands. She looked around. Rick had moved to talk to his wife, Carl was helping T-Dog store the food, and the Greene sisters were in another cell further down.

"I can do it." Glenn, who was standing beside the girl spoke up.

Alexa shook her head. "No, I got it. Thanks."

Glenn nodded, giving the girl a sympathetic look before he patted her shoulder and moved on. The brunette sighed, retreating into the cell where Carol still sat.

She eyed the cuffs suspiciously as Alexa clipped one side to Hershel's wrist and the other to the bed frame. Just as she did, Maggie walked in.

"What's going on?"

Alexa's mouth opened but no words came out. Luckily, Carol spoke for her. "It's just a precaution."

Maggie sighed, looking down. "You think maybe I could have a minute alone here?" She sniffled and Alexa could tell she was on the verge of tears.

She nodded, slipping past Maggie and out into the cell block, Carol closely following behind her. She trusted that Hershel would be fine for a few moments and that Maggie would holler if she needed anything.

With that in mind, Alexa made a beeline for the door that led to the common room. On her mind now was only a certain conversation she needed to have with a certain redneck about a certain green-eyed boy.

In the common room, Daryl kept his eyes glued on the prisoners as they surveyed the melee weapons set on one of the tables in front of them. With one glance at the scene, Alexa guessed they were going to clear out a cell block for the prisoners or something of the like.

At the sound of approaching footsteps, Daryl glanced over his shoulder, his brows slightly lifting as he recognized Alexa Mason. Before he could even comprehend what to say to the woman, he was suddenly shut up by a hard slap across the face.


"The next time you yell at my brother, I stick an arrow up your ass and tie you to a tree for the walkers." She hissed, her eyes darkening. Alexa jabbed a finger in the man's chest. "Never again." She growled before turning away.

Daryl watched with a surprised look as Alexa stocked away, her brown hair swishing in its ponytail behind her. He sighed. The second the clang of the cell door sounded, the prisoners broke out into a chorus of snickers.

"Man, your old lady is tough." The man Daryl had come to know as Big Tiny commented, making his fellows snicker again.

"You got yourself a handful, there," Tomas added. "A beaut at that."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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