l e a v i n g

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i'm not going to lie i hate the long hair

i'm not going to lie i hate the long hair

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I'm leaving',

I yelled quite intoxicated, Piz immediately ran towards me,

'baby I can not let you go home by yourself like this',

Piz said grabbing my shoulders, I smiled at my boyfriend,

'don't worry Stosh I will be fine',

I slurred out opening the door, Piz quickly shut the door,

'I would feel much better if you would just let me drive or even walk you home',

Piz said, he grabbed my sides trying to keep me standing up straight as I was beginning to fall over, Piz began to laugh,

'okay I think it is a little bit late to take you home now you can just spend the night here',

Piz said, I slowly nodded my head not to sure what he was saying. Piz picked me up and placed me over his shoulder,

'baby if you need to puke let me know so you don't puke on me',

Piz said make sure he was able to move with me on his shoulder,

'okay pizzy',

I said after I did I had a small hiccup from the alcohol,

'you okay back there baby?',

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