The show

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April 21st 1993

Los Angeles, California

The phone rings

It was lunchtime when the phone rang in Conan's office at the Simpsons... Just the week before he auditioned for his dream job to host a late-night talk show. He didn't think he would get the job since he purposely didn't take it seriously and he was a tv writer and nobody even knew who he was, so this phone call was a surprise considering that the people at late night told him that they would announce the new host about a week after his audition.

Conan puts down his sandwich and picks up the phone

"Hello?" Conan said as he was playing with the coil phone cord.

"Conan, hello! I was just wanting to call and tell you that we decided who was going to host late night and that person would be you!" The man said over the phone in excitement.

Conan was speechless... He thought that his audition was a joke and that the executives at NBC wouldn't dare put him in the role of replacing David Letterman on Late Night. As he was processing the man's words his thoughts gets cut off by the man.

"Conan... hello? Are you there?" Said the man in a confused tone.

"Um... Yes, yes I am... well thank you." Conan said while looking out of his window.

"Okay, so we're going to need you to get on the next flight to NYC to sign the papers and announce that you are now hosting late night on the tonight show."

The tonight show? Why did he have to go on the Tonight Show? Did Lana know that he was going to go tonight? Heck, does she even know that he got late night? While thinking of this he realizes that he is still on the phone with the man.

"Okay next flight to NYC... Gotcha."

"Just pack your things and go to LAX, we have the tickets for you."

"Okay! Well, thank you again! Goodbye now." Said Conan, in a giddy tone.

"Goodbye Conan." Said the man before hanging up.

Conan then gets up from his desk and finds the heads at the Simpson about the news and that he had to leave, after that he got in his car and rushes to his apartment to messily stuff a couple of pairs of jeans and shirts into his suitcase before running out the door to drive to LAX. After parking his car in the parking garage, he goes into the airport and checks in. After getting his tickets he looks for terminal B13 then sits and waits to board the plane. After waiting for a good bit he is finally able to board the plane and he departs from LAX to go to JFK airport.

New York City, New York

It was the afternoon and a couple of hours before it was time to tape Lana's show, as she was waiting in her office she does her usual pre-show routine by doing the New York Times crossword puzzle and listening to music on her portable cd player. Today was like any other day at the tonight show for her... it's been the same thing since she got the show less than six months before, she was still getting used to the fact that she was the only woman to host the tonight show and that she was the only host ever of the tonight show to host it in NYC and not in LA. While she is doing her pre-show routine her producer Andrew walks in to tell her some news.

Andrew opens the door and walks in

Lana looks up and takes her headphones off to listen to Andrew

"Hey, Andy what's up?" Lana said while leaning back in her chair.

"Well this guy name Conan O'Brien just got late night and we have agreed that you are gonna introduce him tonight on the show since he has to sign the papers here in New York today." Said Andrew, While playing with the pen in his hand."

"Wait what?!" Said Lana, distraught.

"What do you mean by wait what? Do you know him or something?" Said Andrew, now laying on Lana's couch.

"Can you keep a secret?" Said Lana, now up from her chair and now leaning on her desk.

Andrew excitedly nods

"Well, I and Conan went to high school together and then had a summer "fling" before going off to college." Said Lana, now embarrassed.

"Well really? So I guess you're gonna have to meet again tonight huh..." Said Andrew now leaning up against the wall beside the door.

"Yeah, I guess haha," Lana said as she is looking down at the ground.

"I mean who knows maybe you might rekindle your little romance or something... Well, I better start getting ready for the show, bye now." Said Andrew as he opens the door and waved goodbye.

Lana was still processing the words Andrew said as he was walking out the door and even after he left... Conan? Conan the redheaded boy next door got late night? The boy who she had a fling with over a decade before? Now she had to "reunite" with her teenage crush and Andrew thinks that they could "rekindle" their romance. I mean she maybe could rekindle her romance with him but she was not looking to date any time soon since 3 months before she broke off her engagement with her Wall Street boyfriend after she caught him cheating on her with his co-worker.

A couple of hours later Conan arrives at 30 Rock to sign papers before getting ready to be introduced on national television. After signing the papers he goes up to the floor where the tonight show is filmed to get ready for the show. Conan was nervous, this was his first time being shown on national television besides him being a background character in sketches back in his SNL days. He wasn't just nervous about that, he was nervous that he had to "reunite" with Lana...

Conan fixes his hair in the mirror

Lana knocks on the door... Before the show starts she always talks to the guests to get to know them and welcome them to the show with open arms. But Lana didn't really want to talk to Conan before but she decided to anyways so she wouldn't seem rude.

"Oh come in!" Conan said as he was combing his hair.

Lana walks in and shuts the door

"Long time no see Consey."

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