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I can't believe it. Even though we've been living in this house since I was born, my parents just decided to move.  As much as I hate it,  As much as I don't want to go.. I have to.  The thought of having to go to a brand new school mid semester, not knowing anyone.. it's frightening. I packed up the last of my things, and got into the car. It was a long ride. 6 hours, at least. I took a nap, played a few games. I also texted my friend online who happened to live there. Guess I won't have NO friends there.  Eventually, we arrived at our new house. It's pretty big. I unpacked my stuff in my room, and my parents called the people who were holding our furniture. I didn't really care though. I decided to go outside and I sat on the curb to enjoy the sun. It's nice out. Some girl with long hair walked over to me and started talking. "Hi, are you moving in here?" she asked me. "Yeah, why?" I answered "Oh, I'm your neighbor! I live to the left of your house." She said. "Ah.  And what's your name, mysterious neighbor lady?" I replied. She laughed a little bit. "My name is Evvy, and yours?" she answered, and asked. "My name is Rocco.. Nice to meet you.. Evvy." She walked away, and started talking to a guy with black hair that fades into blue. "She seemed nice enough. Maybe this transition won't be too harsh.."
I went back inside to help my family unpack.

To Be Canceled ❗️

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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