Chapter 1- self checkout

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I jump behind the closest dumpster in my line of sight. My breath is hitched and my side is cramping. A break is needed. I also need to hide. Skipping class isn't a felony but I'm a pussy so fight or flight kicked in when my teacher caught me walking out of the bathroom. By fight or flight, of course, I mean flight or flight. There's no option for me, I always just run.

My teacher probably didn't recognize me but I still decided to exit the school all together. I can't have anyone contact my parents or they'll see the bruises on my face. Whether or not they'd even care, I'd rather not find out.

I've told them every day for the past week that I'm working on a project with a classmate and I've been sleeping at his house "for convenience." In all honesty, I haven't been to anyone's house besides my own in months. The shack behind the old rundown plaza in town has been abandoned, so I've been staying there.

I'm scared to go home. I'm scared to be at school. Everything scares me.


"You okay?" A voice brings me from my trance in front of the Wal-mart self checkout.

"Oh, yeah, sorry," I say, embarrassed.

I look up to see who the voice belongs to. I nearly jump back when I'm met with the face of Andy Biersack. He's smiling warmly down at me, presumably waiting for the self checkout I'm dopily standing in front of.

"Are ya done?"

"All yours." I'm blushing even harder now.

I walk to the door and wait for a minute, taking in the encounter I had just had. So many things to unpack. I made a fool of myself. Not that that's unusual but it was Andy. A man I never thought I'd set eyes on in real life, let alone in a Wal-mart.

I start on my five-ish minute walk to the shack. I need to get a job so I can get a car. And then one day, an apartment.

"Are you following me?" The voice pulls me from my thoughts again.

"What? Oh, no, I'm just walking home. I guess you're parked the way I came," I tell him, feeling my face heat up.

"Im just teasing," he smiles that beautiful smile, "how far away are you?"

"About 5 minutes."

"You need a ride?"

A ride. In Andy's car. Andy wants to take me home.

"Okay," I smile back.

I run up to catch up with him. His car is nice, obviously. I know nothing about cars, but I like this one. Hopping in the passenger seat, I feel a twinge of guilt. I don't know why, he offered the ride.

"I'm Andy," he puts his hand out for me to shake after turning the key in the ignition.

"Adam." I take his giant hand which swallows small one.

"Nice to meet you, Adam. Where are we going?"

Andy smiles at me and looks me in the eye. He waits patiently for directions. I like how attentive he is.

"The plaza down town, please."

This night isn't going so terribly after all.


"We have arrived at your destination, sir."

I smile at Andy and feel my cheeks turn a redder shade than usual once again. As I turn to open the door and thank him, I feel a hand grab my arm. I turn around.

"You live here?"

I didn't expect Andy to ask that question for some reason, but I don't have an explanation prepared. How do you tell a guy you're getting bullied for being gay and not even your own parents will accept you?

"My, uh- my house is behind there, yeah."

I can tell that he can tell something is wrong. He stayed silent for about half a minute, as did I. I'm embarrassed but I don't even know if he knows why.

"You want me to walk you to your doorstep?"

I didn't want him to. I didn't want him to see the shitshow I live in. Or the shitshow I've crashed in for the week at least.


Well, fuck.

He smiles at me and unlocks the doors, slipping out of his. I lean down the gather my groceries for the week and look up to see Andy holding my door open for me.

Walking through the old plaza at night with someone feels romantic to me. I peer over and smile at Andy's side profile. I get butterflies looking at him. He looks back at me and gives me a grin. The butterflies are full on dragons now.

I slip between the out-of-business salon and the bbq restaurant and Andy follows me. I'm fairly skinny, Andy even more so, making it easy for the both of us to squeeze our way to the other side.

"Well, thank you so much," I smile one more time at the blue eyed boy accompanying me.

"Of course..." He stares at the shack, "you're staying here?"

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