First day together part:15

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A mini flashback:


I remember sitting at the table causally eating and drinking the wine ever so often when Akutagawa noticed he looked at me then said "you know it's ok if you don't drink I'm not going to force you" "oh uh"I said awkwardly "yeah I never really drunk much of anything I've never even drunk at party's I always tend to get sparkling water I've only tried a sip once when some of the agency went wine testing to be honest it wasn't that bad but Kunikida scolded Dazai for bringing me"

"Well there's not anybody stopping you here just don't become a drunk so if you chose to go ahead just know you limit..." with that said I finished the half glass I poured myself after then Aku decided to watch a horror movie although it being obviously scary it was a great movie besides me getting scared easily but when I hugged onto Aku it was much better

I feel so comfortable with him I snuggled under a blanket we held each other by the time it ended I was fast asleep then after me was Akutagawa"

.....back in the present

I woke up on Akutagawa's bed wrapped up in covers I had a slight headache it was not that bad considering I only drunk almost a half cup of wine maybe a bit more then I intended... I decided to get up and get water so it could help a bit

I walked to the kitchen my hair messy to see Akutagawa making pancakes I walk to him and hug him from behind "good morning Jinko" he turns his head and kisses me on the lips I blush "your to cute"he laughed I buried my face in his back "whatever..." i said in a almost whiny voice causing him to laugh more

Just then I noticed he laughed it was more of a snicker but hearing him this happy is enough he placed a plate to the side "breakfast is ready I also made you some coffee" he gave me a plate of pancakes I sat down at the table and soon after he sat down next to me and gave me a cup of coffee "thanks" I smiled at him

Meanwhile with Dazai and them

Chuuya wake up~ Dazai shook Chuuya which took most of the cover and buried his face in the pillow his ginger hair messy "leave me alone damnit it's too early for this just because I let you sleep here doesn't mean you have to mess with me this early asshole" "well I guess you don't want to see the footage I found of the two love birds confessing to each other" Dazai got out of the bed stretching "THEY WHAT!"

"Yep they finally confessed" Dazai looked at the messy red head which shot up surprised "who confessed first"  "It's was that emo child of your's" "HA he confessed first your cat boy couldn't even do it" Chuuya made a bunch of proud mother statements of him bragging of how  Akutagawa confessed first "Well Atsushi-Kuni was the one that took him on a date!" They went back and forth arguing of their "kids"

Back with the 2

No pov

The rest of the couples day was simple a few simple awkward talks and other simple things Atsushi was shy as ever giving  Akutagawa random shy kisses then becoming a blushing mess Akutagawa made dinner and they agreed that they can sleep in the guest room so they can cuddle

Atsushi pov:

I went in the bed and laid next to him he kissed me on my forehead "Good night darling~" I became flustered but then kissed him back and said "good night Aku"

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