The Billionaire's Forbidden Intern Part 1

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The Forbidden Series

Billionaires who can look, but shouldn't touch!

The Billionaire's Intern

Part One

For Logan Black, Jaiven Rodriguez and royal Zair al Ruyi, New York is spread out before them like the Garden of Eden...and no one knows the sweet taste of forbidden fruit better than America's most ruthless billionaires!

Jaded, cynical, with a darkness that threatens to consume them whole, they each think they've seen it all. But temptation has something new in store for each of them...

Three women united in one goal-to find their missing friend-are about to cross the paths of these ultimate bad boys. And it won't be long before they are enslaved to an impossible desire.

When Addison finds herself working for Logan Black-the notorious billionaire who literally came back from the dead-she thinks it's a safe haven from the shocking scandal surrounding her family. Little did she know that she's about to get very personal with her billionaire boss!

Chapter One

Well, really, things just couldn't get much worse. Addison sat in her older brother's office, numbness wrapping itself around her like a heavy blanket.

She was officially banned from her sorority, not that she cared much, since school was awful just at the moment, as was her sorority. But still, leaving of her own accord would've hurt a lot less.

They hadn't exactly said the word banned, but the sorority's president had made it abundantly clear that Addison's presence was a "distraction." And that links to "prostitution" and "snipers" were not exactly fitting with the relaxing environment of sisterhood and education they were so striving for.

Well, obviously. But nobody seemed worried about whether or not Addison felt she had sisterhood, or a relaxing environment for education.

She had nothing.

Her father had been killed in front of her only days after she discovered he was he was running a prostitution ring, behind the facade of a law office that championed for the downtrodden.

She'd lost not only her father, but the memory of him and any bit of safety and security she'd ever felt in her name, or in her family home.

Her sorority might be disturbed by associations with snipers' bullets piercing the windows of the wealthy and elite at midnight, and with associations to sex rings and scandal, but she could guarantee it was a lot worse for her.

Added to that, her boyfriend, Eddie, was suddenly and conveniently on vacation in Bermuda, and while he sent his regrets, he could not interrupt his vacation. Which she had a sinking feeling meant that her rather distant boyfriend was putting more distance between them now, thanks to the scandal.

Her schooling was on temporary hiatus, and she was finishing what she could online because campus was impossible for her to navigate. What with male students asking if she sold her favors, wink, wink, nudge, nudge, since her father had obviously dealt in sex, and with most female students now avoiding her so they didn't get her contaminants on them.

Truly, people were terrible.

Her father had been shot and killed in front of her, and she'd had to go to his funeral. A funeral she, her brother and her mother had had to put on as though they still cared because even given what he'd done, none of them could quite bring themselves to leave Jason's body in an unmarked grave.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2015 ⏰

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