Chapter 4

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Blaine sighs. He already started three letters, deciding if he should just tell Kurt the truth or not. He trusts Kurt. In fact he trusts him more than anyone and even Wes and he's probably his best friend. Wes is also a close second but with Kurt it feels easier.


Dear Kurt
Maybe I tell you my motivation some time else but if you need a motivation here's something for you: I'm one year under you and if we both keep the grades we have now then I'll end up being smarter than you even tho I'm younger.
I know this might sound random but I don't know if you know this but you're my best friend. I like Wes but you're letter makes my day and answering it. So thank you for being my best friend.
Never been out of country in my entire life.
Have you?
X Blaine


Dear Blaine
You don't know how much this made me smile, You're my best friend too, Rachel is also my best friend but she's always so busy and sometimes a bit extra or loud and annoying (okay me too sometimes but that's not what this is about),
But we know each other for about hald a year now and it feels like so much longer, I feel like we know each other for ages and can talk about everything, So I guess I hae to thank you too,
Not yet but maybe I can go on vacation with Rachel and her dads in summer, 3 weeks spain so not only out of country but also first time being in europe,
If you could choose a vacation. Rather beach, mountains or city?
X Kurt


Dear Kurt
If you're certain that it feels like longer, how long would it be then? We're 10 and 11 and if it feels like longer we must be teens now or even adults or if we stay 10 and 11 we would be babies when we started writing letters. Imagine letters in baby language.
Next episode of exams is coming closer and I'm studying like crazy. Especially maths with Wes. My brain feels like it's smoking.
I like the beach. Laying in the sun and reading a book, perhaps go into the water and swim a little. Never got the chance to do that yet but I imagine it's wonderful.
Now you. Beach, mountains or city?
X Blaine


Dear Blaine
The solution is simple, Maybe we know each other from a different life, Yes okay I read too many romantic books and I should stop but writing that somehow fitted perfectly,
How went your exams? I actually got some A's but also one B and C's but I'm okay with that,
I'd mix my vacation, Beach yes with a book, swimming no, But city yes, Sight seeing and shopping, discovering stores we don't have here,
Do you believe that some people can feel like they knew each other from a different life or do you think it's just fluff for books?
X Kurt


Dear Kurt
Keep writing like this and read your favorite romantic books because that makes you unique and it sounds somehow cool to me when I read it.
Exams went well. I got A's. Who would've thought. Maybe I have a good influence on you when you got A's as well. If yes I'm happy to help :)
I'm not into romantic books that much. More into fantasy but if they are well written I like romantic too.
Still I think that, yes, people can actually feel that way and it doesn't always has to be romantic because we feel that way and we're friends. Best friends.
Your 12th birthday is coming up. Any plans so far on how you want to celebrate?
X Blaine


Dear Blaine
Maybe you have a good influence on me, Maybe not, Who knows,
I don't really celebrate my birthday, I mean I don't really have enough friends to throw a party or something, Rachel and I will go to the cinema, watch a movie and then cook with my dad and have a sleep over,
Lucky me to have birthday on a Saturday because last year on my birthday I had to write an exam and I hated that,
Favorite cake?
X Kurt


Dear Kurt
First of all Happy Birthday (it'll be over when you read this) I hope you had a nice day and lots of fun.
Let me guess. You and Rachel either watched a romantic movie or something funny. Maybe a drama but it's your birthday so I don't think your mood was set on drama.
I have never really celebrated my birthday but I also never really had freinds for that. And most people are on vacation in holidays which sucks for me but maybe Wes is back on my birthday so we can do something.
I love chocolate cake!
X Blaine


Dear Blaine
Thanks for the wishes, It was a great day and we stayed up that long that we only went to bed at 3 am,
We watched a romcom so good guess, I love drama but you're right, not on my birthday,
One day I promise you'll celebrate your birthday with someone and you'll enjoy the day,
Vanilla cake but chocolate isn't bad either,
How's it going with learning how to play the guitar?
X Kurt


Dear Kurt
I never was allowed to stay up later than midnight so lucky you. You're old now.
Wes and I talked about the letters today and I told him that my ballon landed at your house and that we're writing and are friends since then.
He told me that he didn't got an answer at all. I feel sorry for him because he could've met someone as special to him as you are for me.
I'm getting cheesy again so I'll stop here.
Guitar is okay but my dad doesn't really like the noise and over the day I'm at school so I only have little time when my dad isn't home to actually practice.
Would you like to be able to play an instrument later?
X Blaine


Dear Blaine
Maybe when you're older you're allowed to stay up late too, It's really cool so my fingers are crossed for you,
Blaine Anderson you're so cheesy so often that by now I got used to it, Also most of the time I'm not much better so we're equal,
I'm sorry that your dad is so strict about that but at least you still find times to practice even if not much,
Maybe piano or something, I like the sound of that but I don't really know, I don't think I have the patience to learn an instrument honestly,
Soon your first year at middle school ends, What was your favorite moment of that first year?
X Kurt

Love BlaineOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz