Benevolent Bliss

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The day after the Snowdin inferno, the residents returned to their houses, taking what was salvageable, and sadly packing their bags.
Suddenly, from the center of town came a booming voice: "Why hello, Snowdin residents!"
The townsfolk gathered around the strange mustachioed man that was the source of the voice.
"My name is Fassad, and times around here are getting tough, but with me, you can find benevolent bliss!
And to prove that, here's a pitch for me and Salsa's new invention; the happy box!"
He gestured towards a collared monkey and a pink screen.
"You may think you don't need a happy box, but it takes two to tango!"
As the salesman said that, the monkey began performing a rather impressive shuffle, wowing the crowd.
Suddenly, Salsa got zapped from his collar, and collapsed on the ground.
"Tango, you idiot! I said 'two to TANGO' don't shuffle when I say tango!"
The crowd began to disperse, disgusted with this display, leaving Fassad fuming.
"You'll figure out how much you want these happy boxes eventually! It's only a matter of time!" He shouted.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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