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Giulia is leaning against the wall with a smug look on her face.

"Gotcha," she brags.

"You really thought we wouldn't figure you out?" Ace comes out from behind me. His footsteps are light and quiet, yet I can still sense his powerful demeanor.

My eyes are fixed on Giulia and my heart is silently racing. I'm not sure whether it's from Ace, the group of people pointing their guns at me, or the fact that I'm ready to launch myself at Giulia. Maybe it's because I want to run. I can't, but maybe.

I put my hands up in surrender.

"Now step out of the doorway," Giulia demands as she lifts off of the wall and stands up straight.

I take two steps forward with my head down. Someone grabs my wrist and I turn to look at them with menacing eyes.

"You can look at me like that all you want. Just don't do anything stupid." He has a slight french accent.

I turn to look at Ace who is now standing next to me as he watches the french man grip my wrist.

"Did you seriously think I didn't do my homework either?" I ask as we begin to walk down the hallway the other direction as to where we came from.

"I knew exactly who you were, exactly who she was, and I knew Giovanni from the start." I gesture to Giulia with my head when I mention her.

"Good," he replies. "Hopefully, you won't try to kill one of our men again."

"For fucks sake, Ace, he was the one who pointed a knife at me. I just knocked him unconscious, jeez."

(Ace's POV)

"What was that move called, the one you did back there?" I ask.

"Which one? The one where I smashed his head into the wall?"

"No, the one where you swung your legs around his neck like black widow."

"Ohh, that's a hurricanrana," she informs. "Always a fun one. Scissor kicks are pretty cool, too. They just end things too fast sometimes, you know?"

"Scissor kick?" I question.

She groans, unfortunately in frustration. "Your brothers mafia really needs to teach you guys a thing or two."

"We'll, we mainly just use guns. Sometimes knives, but mostly guns." I sigh. "Are scissor kicks where you chop off someone's legs?"

She lets out a laugh and I smile at her smile. She notices and clears her throat to stop herself. She chuckles again. "No, that'd be pretty cool, but no." She laughs again but this time, it's softer. Like a long chuckle. "Here, I'll show you."

Before I can say anything, she's already scissor kicked the man holding her arm. The both fall to the floor. She gets up and puts her hands into the air again, surrendering. We've stopped walking and the men have their guns aimed. She rolls her eyes in annoyance, like this has happened tons of times before.

"I told you not to do anything stupid," the man on the floor says as he gets up.

She turns her head to him. "Aw, shut up, you airy croissant," she spits. Someone fires and she looks down at her thigh before stumbling to the floor. I catch her in my arms and begin to hold her up.

"I'll take her," the French guy who was holding her says.

"Nah, man. You just got scissor kicked by a bitch in a short dress." I hold her up and toss her over my shoulder, the curve between her ribs and hips fitting near perfectly around the side of my neck.

We keep walking, turn a few corners, before eventually making our way out the back door.

"Ace!" Giulia yells. "You got the key?"

"Yep." I smirk as I kick my boot into the door and it busts open. Small debris of wood  flies around before falling at our feet.

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