♡Two-Bit Matthew♡

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Some headcanons I have for my fav out the gang: ♡Two-Bit♡

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Some headcanons I have for my fav out the gang: ♡Two-Bit♡

I feel like he trys alot to stop drinking because of his little sister because he doesn't want her to see that and start to worry or see him get hurt while drunk

Goes to Ponyboy over SodaPop because he feels like Pony won't judge his feelings or see him as less and acually confides in him alot

I feel like his likes Micky Mouse alot because it was probably a show he watched and he prob feels like his childhood wasn't all the great so being able to watch cartoons is like a comfort for him

In the book it said he liked blondes more but when he talked to Marcia she was a brunette and then I feel like he started liking more of brunette haired girls

He acually likes to stay over at the Curtis's house because he know that it's a safe place tagt he can always feel comfortable at

I feel like he has alot of anxiety when bad things happen and that triggers him to drink more or when bad memories pop up in his head

Hangs out with Soda and Steve alot and occasionally hangs with Pony, Johnny and Dally

He didn't get over Marcia until two weeks after because he kinda regretted chewing up her number and throwing it out

He likes tge colors red and yellow because of Micky Mouse

He likes school only to goofy around with the teachers and other students and skips alot but somehow always has his work done even if a day late

You can tell when he's upset because he quite downs real fast and it's not normal for him to usually not say even a word

Can do a handstand or a back-flip and also likes some Beatles songs

If you have any ideas or requests for some headcannos or reader inserts plz lemme know ♡

He would date a black girl and would be happy with her and would probably not be afraid to scream out that he loves black people

He's a straight ally.

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