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Everything seemed fine when they boarded, the woman with black hair and red streaks sat next to a much younger brunette girl, who clung to the older woman tiredly. The two had a long day– and an even longer ride back to their home state of New York. The older woman, who was known as Ambrosia Harris, was twenty-eight years old. The young girl beside her was her daughter, Kayla Harris. The two had taken a much needed vacation to Jamaica, which Ethan Klein, Ambrosia's ex-husband and father of Kayla, agreed to. Ambrosia made quiet conversation with another Jamaica-to-New York passenger Val Alvarez-Navarro, the two had met at a restaurant in Jamaica, becoming quick acquaintances.

"Attention, Passengers of Flight 537 to New York, John F. Kennedy Airport–."

"Did our flight get canceled?" Val groaned, rubbing their eyes.

"I hope not, Kayla's about to fall asleep on me right now. I don't have the time to have a canceled flight.." Ambrosia mumbled back, she only took the allotted time her work allowed, which was only two weeks, she needed to get back by tomorrow evening.

"The Flight is oversold, we are offering travel vouchers in the amount of four-hundred dollars for anyone willing to take a later flight." the flight attendant spoke. Ambrosia thought about it, while she still had time, how much longer was this flight supposed to be? And how the hell do you oversell a flight so much that they're offering travel vouchers for hundreds of dollars?

"I'm taking that flight, you coming with?" Val said, standing up and turning to the dual haired woman. Ambrosia looked at her tired daughter, before nodding.

"Yeah, it'll give Kayla some time to sleep before the flight." she stated, nudging her daughter to get up. "Kayla, c'mon real quick, then you can take a nap."

Time passed rather quickly, and the time for the passengers of Flight 828 to board their aircraft came. Kayla was now wide awake and talking to another kid in the airport who was waiting for the same flight with his father. Ambrosia kept a close eye on her daughter while engaging in conversation with the faux red-head beside her, watching the young brunette giggling and talking with the young boy. Ambrosia ushered her daughter onto the flight and went to find her seat with Kayla in front of her. Dragging their suitcases behind them, Ambrosia found their seats and threw their luggage into the overhead compartment before sitting down with her laptop and phone, Kayla with her headphones and tablet.

The woman made sure that Kayla's tablet was switched to Airplane Mode and let out a small sigh, handing it back to the young girl, who instantly went to some random offline game. Ambrosia did the same thing with her own devices, texting her ex-husband beforehand that they just boarded and earning an 'ok' text before she switched her device. Ambrosia opened word and began typing her to-do list of things she needed to do once they were back home and once she was back to work, which included paying some bills, taking Kayla to her father's house, things of that nature.

Ambrosia hummed as the plane took off, Kayla staring off out of the window, now bored with her tablet. The young girl was enamored by the sight of the ground below them– Ambrosia didn't understand how she wasn't scared of heights. Kayla definitely didn't get her fearlessness from her mother, that Ambrosia knew of anyways.

It was a couple hours into the flight when the turbulence started, Ambrosia had long since put her devices up in her carry-on and was just about to fall asleep, while Kayla was asleep next to her. Until the turbulence wasn't turbulence, the plane felt like it was going to crash, Kayla was now awake and clinging to her mother's arm, freaking out. Ambrosia tensed up, was this how she and her daughter were going to die? She always expected her death to be a lot more pain and suffering than a mere plane crash, and for her to be alone, not with her own daughter. Then suddenly, everything was back to normal, the lights were back on, and there wasn't a storm outside of the plane walls. Strange.. Very strange.

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