Initium Belli: Duo

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That Animal of Damnation and I continued our clash of ideals, I shifted back while he stepped for a strike. An ACI Warden rushed towards the Rekindler, in the same motion my biting blade was deflected as he let entropy cut through the Warden. No warnings... perfect, I activated my Sera, all my physical limitations left my frame sending out multiple bites forward. Nyllus activated his Sera with that his physical limits left him the rhythm sped up the hums morphed into rapid tings ringing out with radiant spite and hatred. I ignited my nerves upon a slide in my step. Weapons appeared beside me. Zerron shifted his step gripping one of the twenty one before flicking it forward. I released the swords and spears without hesitation. He did his own channel the melody of energy from the weapons lit up like the stars. Our movements still matched. No matter what this was a positioning game now. One of us had to make a mistake in time. But the question was who will misstep in their rhythm first?

Enchanting Visus

The Enchantress Raven watches the battle from the Spire of Selene. Weiss glances at her with his language shifting. The battle for Lunareum is turning in its own tide. The Raven's Judge keeps his sight on Cylas unknowing of what his action might be. The Enchantress softly sighs with her arms crossed

"This is turning into a slaughter...." Lord Weiss nods while turning his eyes on the holographic map showing the placement of forces. This Raven understands but because of the actions she pushed forward, her innocence and her purity lost to take out the burning blight of the Rekindled and the Rekindler. Her Judge lowers his head, his ideals challenged, he didn't want to disappoint Jeremias' view, his vision.

"Well Lady Raven?" This Enchantress steadily takes in the weight of her own sight and thought. She isn't a strategist not like her big brother. Surely not like Aithan either. Cylas begins a rhythm on the rim of the map itself his eyes not leaving Estrid.

"I believe in due time. Nyhnor forces will get reinforced. Right now if we can take the Lord out who is commanding the Legions here.." One of Diluculum Lords eyes Weiss unsure of her statement. After all he won't speak it but he was one of the ones who sent Jeremias and Oman to die. The Raven steps with her grace placing her hand over her head for a second.

An ACI Marshal speaks his mind "Madam Raven. I respect your steadfast nature, we can't hold Lunareum forever. Most A. C. I. forces are reinforcing Solareum lines."

One Lord lets a huff leave "Things were better off without Ravens and the bloodlines you service...."

"Excuse me Leech. Without her we wouldn't have stood a chance."

The Lord's pattern shifts "Stood a chance? The Diluculum is losing Stalkers and our own Knights because of her own need for gain!" The ACI Marshal moves his sight to the Enchantress. She lets out a sigh

"If you have nothing more than questions about my gains here or Elyseum. Please. Tell me up front, right now. I am not in the mood..." her tone now laced with poison and sharp hate floods the room. At that moment the parties become unspoken.


I felt my back hit the wall as Nyllus kicked me. The concrete broke just by the force of gravity I was sent into it by. I choked for a minute or two slumping over to my right then pulled my weight upward. The Rekindler spun his biting blade and stepped, I stepped to counter, sparks flared. I didn't know how long this fight would take I realized that the sounds of the symphony of war began to intensify.

"Come on White Raven. Show me you're more than your worthless brothers...." Zerron's venom spoken morphed into daggers aiming for wrath. I felt that Sin but I felt Pride. My vision went Scarlet. My rhythmic movement became near bestial matching the Rekindler. Our clash continued with the battle, a fist slammed into my stomach before I was sent back by a foot. He let humor leave him.

"When I find your sister. The Encore will be mine..." I shook my head with a smile. This guy thought he was over us. Over me to hell with people like him. Every time I heard this bastard speak I wanted to tear his tongue from his mouth.... I replied with my tone changed

"The Encore will be set. Just not now... filth...." With that I aimed my bite towards his neck. He stepped left to the side with a ring radiant, I went for another strike. He shifted his movement dodging again before aiming in reply with his own bite. I spun my Mordax once deflecting his strike, after I stepped in a defensive manner. The Rekindler wasn't a pushover when it came to dueling or combat. Neither was I. We were near equal in skill and power but I felt weight weigh down my shoulders once he tapped on... the Prime Singularitas Matrix which caused a mass wave like wrath flood. I was off balance. He made his steps clear, I shifted but felt steel enter my shoulder. I screamed out. He pulled his biting blade out quick and went to finish the fight. Fate didn't let it. I weaved when ashes fell like snow. The symphony was dying down. He stepped back. As did I.

"Care for a parlay..." Parlay? This was no time to parlay. This was the beginning of a endless fucking waltz of armies and ideologies. I knew my reason for fighting was more than his. Lycus and Jazper ran in aiming their blades at the Rekindler. His language said one thing 'Try it' Kale being smart to know what his body language meant he stepped back. Cullen followed... at least I didn't have to lose an friend or in this case friends from that failed bastard...

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