Purple hearts

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I walked back into the living room, and started watching 'purple hearts' with Sofia Carson. "Oh purple hearts?" Toga asked sitting next to me. I nodded continuing to watch the movie.

And we just watched it for like a good 30 minutes before Dabi and Twice walked in. I kept my eyes on the movie, and Toga of course started talking. "Done?" Twice sat next to Toga. "Yup all done!" Twice said in excitement. "Shh! This is the best movie, so shut up!" I put my pointer finger to my mouth shushing Twice. I felt my left side sink down, So I assumed it was Dabi sitting down. And we just sat and watched the rest of the movie.

After the movie I started talking to Toga about the movie.
"But he was just using her!" She said. "But then they both fell inlove, can't you see it was just meant to be! They are like the ideal couple! I wanna have something like that, in a way. I wanna just fall inlove with someone, I wanna marry someone. I wanna be able to have a partner that I just cuddle with. And give gifts to, and be deeply inlove with!" I scream out of the cuteness.

"Ok, but then you started getting off topic." She just laughed. "I don't care I want something like that! I want something like the song 'Turning page' or 'A thousand years' or I don't know I just want someone to be so inlove with me like I would be with them!" I jump off the back of the couch.

"Then find the right person!" She says. "No such thing exists though, so I can't!" I fall to my knees. "You are so dramatic!" Twice chimes in. "I just want true love!" I fall on my back. Covering my eyes. "But there is no such thing!"

I move my hands looking at the ceiling, then Dabi comes in my field of sight. "C'mon!" He holds his hand out, and I grab it getting back up. I sit on the back rest of the couch. Dabi standing next to me putting his right hand on my right shoulder. "Toga do you believe in true love?" I ask her. "Yes." She smiles. "No! Disney has brainwashed you to think that. There is No prince charming! That's only what Disney wants you to think!" I snap my fingers.

Then Toga's phone goes off. "Oh it's time to go to the Hotel." She walks out of the room. "I'm not done having this conversation with you!" I get up but Dabi holds me back. "Hey! Let go! We need to finish this conversation!" I try to break free.

"Stop!" Dabi says still holding me back. "No! We aren't finished!" I say trying to remove his hands from around my stomach. "I'll let go if you stop!" I take some breaths. "Ok. I'll stop!" I say giving up. That's when he let's go that I run for Toga. "Mikey! Mikey stop!" Toga laughs. "Dabi come get your psychopath Girlfriend!" Then I tackled Toga to the ground. "He is not my boyfriend!"

Then I was pulled off Toga. "I told you to stop!" I shake my head. "Let go of me!" I say hitting Dabi. "No! I'm not letting go!" He pulls me into the living room again. And pulls me to the couch. I tried to escape but it didn't work out so well. I finally gave up, leaning my head on his shoulder. Toga and Twice came back after a while. I had my eyes closed to tired to move.

"Come on Mikey!" Toga said, and I shook my head. "C'mon love let's go!" I just sat there with my eyes closed. "Leave me alone!" I hit who ever tried toiching me. "We can sleep at the hotel." Dabi offered. He picked me up, holding my legs in one arm, and my neck in the other. I wrapped my arms around his neck, putting my head on his chest. "Bring me back inside the sun hurts!!" I shut my eyes tight.

Then I heard Dabi say goodbye. And the door shut and I felt my cat. I opened my eyes finally. "Ace! Hi baby! Did you miss Mama? I love you boy!" I put him on my lap, petting him. "Such a good boy! Mama loves you Ace! Wanna sleep?!" I layed my head on Dabi's lap. And my feet at the other end of the car, by the door. And I put Ace on my chest petting him, and we fell asleep.

"2 hours and 37 minutes later*

"Mikey wake up! C'mon we're here."

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