Getting a cat

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The hand on the hip 👏 SAS

You had finnaly convinced nick to get a cat

alright hold on y/n

You were practicly jumping off the walls after nick finnaly said yes

He went in the bedroom to get changed

(Choose ur nick outfit 🥳)

I can barley find this man without a button down shirt

I can barley find this man without a button down shirt

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Yes ik this was in the thingy last chapter

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Yes ik this was in the thingy last chapter

Yes ik this was in the thingy last chapter

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This photo is so blurry don't mind it

Alright I'm ready let's go

I'll drive!!

You dragged him out to the car and you started to drive to the animal shelter

Hello welcome to cats and dogs animal shelter ( I have no fucking Idea what to name this selter so there) what are we looking for today?

We are looking for a cat!

Alrighty both of you please follow me

here's Milo he's a year old hes house trained and his adoption price is $145

He looked at you with his big eyes

Nick get over here

I really like him..

He is the first one how about we keep looking


You looked at a few more cats but you kept your eye on milo behind you

So would you like a minute to decide?

Sure y/n what do you think?

Can we get Milo?

alright sure

You threw your arms around nick and hugged him tight THANK YOU!

We decided that we wanted to adopt milo

Alrighty I'll be back with the paperwork!

He hugged you back and kissed your cheek

Alright so heres the papers all you have to do is sign the first few pages and get form of payment!

(Time skip)

You set Milo in the back of the car

you both start driving to the pet store

You and nick get out and left the car on for the cat

You grab food and water bowls and some food
You also grab toys and a cat tree
You payed and walked out of the store

(Time skip)

You finnaly got home and started to bring Milo inside
You opened the carrier and you and nick walked out to get his other things that you bought

You came back in and started set up the cat tree

Is that right?
I don't know
Let's just keep going

-2 hours later-

Finnaly we are done

Let's see if Milo is out of the carrier

You looked in and he wasn't in there

Were could he be?

You started to call for him and look under furniture


He came crawling out from under the couch
Awww there you are

You started to scratch his head

I'll go make dinner y/n

You turned on a show and sat down with Milo while nick was cooking

Dinners ready!


You picked up Milo and carried his to the kitchen to give him some food

You poured some food into Milos bowl pat his head and walked away

(Time skip)

You and nick were on the couch and you were both watching the show you were watching earlier
And nick fell asleep with Milo on his chest

You ran to get your phone to take a photo to show it to nick in the morning

You eventually fell asleep on the couch with nick


Idk what to say here so ya

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Idk what to say here so ya

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