Chapter 2:

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(Pic is of Violet) Yo!! How's everyone been? Good, good. Anyway, sorry for any mistakes. Enjoy.

Violet's POV:

As I walked into the school, I placed my board down and began skating through the halls. My locker was on the other side of the school, so why not?

I got to my locker and quickly opened it, while shoving all of my stuff I didn't need and as I was shutting the stupid metal door, somebody rammed into me. "Watch where you're going, freak!!" The person yelled. I just kept my head down and hoped they would walk away. But with my luck, they didn't. "Are you gonna say something, or are you just gonna stand there like an idiot?" I could tell the person was a guy, and I knew exactly who he was. Jack Flynn. The most popular guy in school, the quarter-back.

I didn't reply, and that earned me a punch to the face. I fell down to the floor as my anger filled me. I slowly stood up from the ground, and the crowd that has slowly started forming, backed away from Jack and I. I saw him cower away in fear, and just as he was about to run, I punched him back. But this time, I added half the force he did, but I still knocked him out cold. One of Jack's football mates came and picking him up, keeping his distance from me as he did so. He threw Jack over his shoulder and bolted to the nurse's office with their other friends close behind. Serves them right.

Just then, the bell rang and everyone scurried away to their classes, except one girl. Holy shit. She is HOT. And yes, I'm bisexual. Not a lesbian.

Anyway, she has jet black hair that falls just below her probably C cup breasts, and beautiful blue eyes. She was probably an inch or 2 shorter than my 5'8 height, making her around 5'6. All in all, she is gorgeous.

I think I might have been staring for too long because when I snapped out of my gaze, she was right in front of me. I let out a gasp as to how close we are, considering I don't even know her name. I think she's new.

She inhaled, and closed her eyes as I stared at her with confusion. "Would you like to show me around the school? I'm new here, and I have absolutely no idea where to go," the mysterious new girl spoke with innocence in her velvet like voice. Wait, what? Where did that come from?

"By the way, my name's Dylan," she said. A shiver went down my spine as I heard her name. "Dylan. I like it," I mumbled to myself, hoping she didn't hear when I realized I said that out loud. She blushed, confirming that she did indeed hear me. "Hi. The name's-" I was cut off when the warning bell went off. "Give me you schedule," I said with my hand out. She obeyed and handed the paper to me. As she did so, we accidentally touched hands, and let me tell you something. Wow. When we touched, it was like fireworks exploded everywhere. She tried to pull away, but I held her hand tighter.

"O-ow. You're hurting my hand," she said, causing me to quickly let go as guilt started to swirl within me. "I'm sorry. Well, it looks like we have every class together. Come on, Dylan," I apologized. I saw her shiver as her name rolled off my tongue, and I felt like doing it again. But instead, I took her right hand, gently this time, in my left one and hoped on my skateboard with her running along side me. I guided her to our 2 period, since we missed first, and skated inside. While I did so, I let go of her hand and skated down the aisle to the back. I did a trick before I put my board away and sat down in the corner seat. 2 period is Science, so we are seated in pairs. This class doesn't really have a lot of people, so there were tons of empty seats.

Just then, the teacher walked in just as the bell rang to start class. "Good morning, class. We have a new student here today. Why don't you introduce yourself to the class?" Mrs. Stewarts said to Dylan. She stood up front, and began to introduce herself. "Hi. I'm Dylan Rays, and I'm 16 years old, and I have a... friend in this class," She said, but she only looked at me. Everyone stared at me and Mrs. Stewarts looked shocked. "You mean Violet? Oh honey, you shouldn't hang out with her. She'll only get in trouble. You should be friends with Victoria," the teacher said. Of course she would say that. I didn't say anything, but I did roll my eyes.

When I looked back up, I saw Dylan fuming. "You can't tell me who and who not to hang out with. If I want to hang out with Violet, I'll hang out with her," Dylan said with a too sweet smile as she made her way to the empty seat next to me. All I could do was stare at this beauty in shock as she smiled at me. I knew she couldn't see me through my hood, but it was like she was trying to memorize every single detail.

"U-uhh. Alright. How about we get started with class, shall we? You know what? Umm, just do whatever. It's a free period," Mrs. Stewarts said, but quickly said otherwise when Dylan glared at her. She quickly turned her attention back to me. "Why don't you take off your hood?" Dylan asks. "Because she's too ugly, that's why. Come sit with us. That bitch will only make you an outsider. Sit with us pretty girls," Victoria stated as her like 10 inch heels clicked across the floor to my table. For a moment, I thought Dylan actually was, but she laughed. Victoria looked at her with a shocked expression. She's not the only one, either. "I have a few things to say to you, 'pretty girl'. 1, Violet is not a bitch. 2, I don't care if it makes me an 'outsider'. 3, she is a hell lot more beautiful than you are. Or ever will be. Now leave. Me. Alone," Dylan growled out. Werewolf. I finally recognized that woodsy scent.

Just then, I inhaled deeply, and her scent seems like the best thing ever.

Holy shit. I think I just met my soul mate.

Hello!! I hope you all enjoyed the chapter!! And sorry for any mistakes, but frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.

Momma Skittles, OUT!!!! ✌🏻️🌈

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