Chap. 10

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Bella's Pov

I went to my first period class.

Collin and Brad followed me to my seat and then Trent joined us at our table.

"Hey Bella" i heard a girls voice say behind me.

I turned around and saw Heather.

Heather is a girl that has a crush on Anthony.

"Hey" I said with a fake smile.

"So pregnant huh?"

"Yep" I said touching my stomach.

"Wow. who's the dad?" Heather asked

I could see hope in her eyes that the dad wasn't Anthony.

"Obama" I said sarcastically

Heather's eyes grew wider.

The boys started laugh. I chuckled

"Really?" Heather said slowly.

"No it's Anthony" I said

Heather's face fell.

The teacher came in before Heather could say anything.

"You ok?" Brad asked

I nodded.


After class ended, Collin, Brad and Trent were walking with me to my next class.

I stopped and touched my stomach and smiled.

"What's up?" Brad asked slowly.

"She's just kicked" I smiled and a little surprised.

"Why are you surprised?" Trent asked confused

"First time she kicked" I said

Automatically, Collin pulled his phone out and called Anthony.

"Dude, go to library."

"Ditch Gym"

"Tell him your baby kicked for the first time"

"Yeah we are just out side the library"

"She is being crazy"

I hit Collin hard.

"I am right here Idiot."

I started to hear Anthony laugh over the phone.

I put my hand out.

Collin gave me the phone.


"Yes Baby Girl?"

"Tell your gym teacher he should know how you feel because he just had a baby."

"How do you know that?"

"Oh I met his wife at my baby classes. by the way tell him that his son is so cute"


"Just do it"

"Fine. Love you"

"Love you too"

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