★ shoot!

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for localvietnamesegirl


Jisung is totally an accomplished burglar and totally has loads of experience under his belt. He's good and all, but when it comes to his weaknesses, he falters.

(His weaknesses are hot men who hold him at gunpoint after catching him thieving around.)

explicit sexual content included
cw: guns, choking, deepthroating (a gun), light bondage, mentioned infidelity (cheating), pre-discussed


The house that stands before Jisung is intimidatingly large in the shadows of the night. It's quiet in the neighborhood he had been quickly dropped off in, the singing of crickets only quite doing their job to make Jisung feel more tense than he should be.

He should be relaxed. He shouldn't have had his mind filled with thoughts of hesitation and second-thoughts, because— he's obviously done this plenty of times before! He's a certified pro by now, he shouldn't be feeling like his heart is about to beat out of his chest just because the absolute mansion of a house he's about to break-in to is just new ground for him.

Jisung swallows, taps his cheek to get himself to focus, and pulls his hood over his head. He pats down at his belt and checks for his tools; a flashlight, wrench, and a small pocket knife he obviously hopes he won't have to put into use. He's just head to get the job done, and tonight, he's aiming to walk right out of this house with a duffel bag full of cash.

Changbin had informed him of his target tonight earlier today. Had said the guy was pretty stacked and was a great candidate to try out, and Jisung was all in at the first mention of a few bands added to his name. What he wasn't expecting, though, was for this said rich guy's house to be in one of the most expensive neighborhoods in the city, kept watched with tight security.

Luckily, Seungmin had been able to temporarily jam the gate and cameras so they could smoothly get in and get right out. All that was left to do was for Jisung to complete the job. Rob this guy's house just like any other day.

He twists the band on his finger for a second, letting the house in front of him size him up for a bit. Then, he slowly starts to approach the front door, cheering internally when no light turns on to accentuate his presence. He hopes that his poor victim is sound asleep by now, because it'll make it so much easier.

He manages to open the front door with just a few turns of his wrench. He's also mildly shocked that no alarms had been set off, even though he had been told beforehand that there were none. Jisung steps into the dark house with a sense of relief, because he's starting to think it's going to be a lot easier than he thought.

He begins to walk around the first story with careful but relaxed feet, awing at the high walls and floor-to-ceiling windows. It's clean— probably maintained by cleaners hired by the house owner, who seems to have a strict cleaning routine as even the kitchen counters shine under the moonlight.

Jisung stares right up the flight of stairs, basically calling for him to come and get up and claim his reward. All he needs to do is find the office the safe is said to be in, stuff his bag, and get the hell out.

But Jisung is already distracted when he spots a display case filled with medals and all sorts of rewards. He gasps quietly to himself, immediately tiptoeing over to the glass case to ogle the displays of silver and gold encased.

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