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Sorry it's been so long since I've updated, but I've been busy since I've gotten out of school

So to make it up to you here's extra fanart for you! 😉

So to make it up to you here's extra fanart for you! 😉

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Yes, plus you also have an army of fangirls

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Yes, plus you also have an army of fangirls

Yes, plus you also have an army of fangirls

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This is amazhang

Steve wearing the Avenger Normal Civilian starter kit I see 

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Steve wearing the Avenger Normal Civilian starter kit I see 

Also how did Steve's shoe fall off?

Also how did Steve's shoe fall off?

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Thor looks so confused XD

Thor looks so confused XD

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Marvel Woman :)

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Marvel Woman :)

Marvel Woman :)

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I own non of these wunderbar pieces of artwork, rights belong to their creators

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I own non of these wunderbar pieces of artwork, rights belong to their creators

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