Fly girl

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My Names Mercedes Monoae i just graduated from college with my masters degree I've been working my assss off for this. My plan is to move out to texas or California im super torn between the two so i haven't decided just yet i still have 3 more months in this highrise apartment of mine before i move on to a house. I got this really good job working at this honda dealership and you know ya girl got that lash and lipgloss line and also my own cleaning company. So i could say im doing pretty good for myself i have over 8 grand in my bank plus more but yall don't need to be in my pockets period.

Today is gonna be a bit chill i have 10 orders to ship out then later around 2 i have this air bnb house that im going to clean and that's it. Ill come home turn my show shameless on and make me some fried chicken and rice with an ollie pop for my drink or i may have me a nice cold beer or i may do both knowing meeeee. I'll be able to study for 2 hours tonight before i unwind for the day.
I'm learning to love myself and i mean every part and inch of my body be a "Bad Bitch" starts from you're mindset like yeah anyone can put on makeup or a filter and be considered bad but its deeper than that i feel you have to start by talking things out, understanding you may not look like the ig models by the face or the body but that doesn't make you any less beautiful it's so much that comes into being a bad bitch i think everyone just has to find them and love you for you no matter what the fuck any hating ass bitch has to say.Period


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2023 ⏰

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