Chapter 1

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Taylor was awoken by a loud banging on her door, she tried to ignore it but the person was persistent. After failing to ignore the loud banging on the door, Taylor sat up on her bed and yelled "WHO IS IT!".

The door cracked open a little and her mom poked her head through the doorway. She frowned on seeing how unorganized Taylor's room was.

She opened the door fully and walked in with Taylor's dad behind her. Taylor's dad was holding a tray of cookies while her mom had a bunch of cards in her hands.

Taylor had a hint of what was going on, her parents on did that on two occasions, when she had chicken pox and when they had bad news.

Taylor racked her brain trying to think of what the bad news could be and then it hit her............ "You promised!" She screamed, The look on her parents face confirmed her suspicions.

"I'm sorry bunny" her dad muttered apology while her mom just stayed mute. "There was an issue with your passport, I think it has something to do with your change of name" her dad added.

"So we're not going to Las Vegas to see Nana anymore?" Taylor mumbled in disdain but little did she know that that wasn't even the bad news.

"Hunny buns, we're sorry" her dad apologized again but this time for an entirely different reason.

Taylor could tell that something was up by the change in his tone and by the way her mom kept avoiding her gaze.

"We are going to Las Vegas without you" her dad dropped the bomb. Taylor could almost not believe her ears, her family was going to abandon her in Texas and go to Las Vegas to spend the holidays.

"I know you're mad but you need to understand is, Nona won't forgive us if we let her spend another Christmas alone" Her mom tried to reason with her.

It hurt Taylor more because she knew they were right, Nonna had spend the last ten Christmas alone.

"B....but" she shuttered, thinking of what to say, she burst into tears when she realized that her parents had a point.

"Bunny, don't cry. I hurts us to also leave you here, we know how excited you were to spend Christmas at Las Vegas" her dad consoled her.

Her mom dropped the cards on her bed and wiped her tears. "Don't worry, try to look at the bright side......" Her mom paused not knowing how to continue as there wasn't really any bright side, but Taylor managed to find one. "Do I get to stay home alone" she said with a small smile, hoping that she could guilt trip her parents into saying yes.

"Absolutely not, it's too dangerous to let you stay all by yourself" her mom disagreed immediately, "but I'm all grown up now, one more year and I'll be in college" Taylor retorted, she looked at her dad who had been quiet all this while as if asking him to back her up.

"I'm sorry bunny but your mum is right, this town is filled with dangerous people. Our neighbor got robbed just last week" her dad said to her dismay.

Taylor's face fell yet again and she played with the hem of her nighties.

"Don't worry honey buns, you're going to be staying with one of my college friends, I reunited with her at the mall two weeks ago" Taylor's mum said trying to cheer her up.

"What if she doesn't want me?" Taylor mumbled still playing with her nightie, "nonsense, I called her last night to ask if she was ok with you staying at her place and she said she would love to have you over" her mom countered.

"Say, doesn't she have a kid who goes to Taylor's school?" Her dad asked trying to get her attention, "she does?" Taylor asked, her curiosity peaked.

"She does, he's in the same class as you" Taylor's mum replied. "He?" Taylor scoffed, her expectations falling flat. She hated all the boys in her class.

"Don't be like that, he's a nice kids. His mom said that he's the captain of the basketball te....." Taylor's Mum was cut off by Taylor's scream. "I'm spending Christmas with Daniel?!"...........

Taylor dragged herself to class, the morning events hunted her mind. All she could think of was the fact that she was going to spend the holidays with her worst nightmare, and worst of all, her family was returning till January 10th so she would have to spend the new years at his place to.

'He will be the first person you will see next year' her subconsciousness teased making her bite her lower lips in frustration.

"Miss Millers, are you just going to stand there or you're going to come in?" The teachers question made me jerk out of my thoughts and only then did I realised that I was standing by the door.

A few students snickered while some just scoffed. I apologized to the teacher and walked in. Due to the fact that I was late to class there was only one vacant seat left and as fate would have it, it was right next to Daniel.

We shot each other disgusted looks as I reluctantly took a seat next to him.

The teacher continued with her lessons an everyone payed attention, let me rephrase that, everyone except Daniel payed attention.

Her put on his ear pods and laid his head on the table ignoring the fact that there was a teacher in the class trying to make his life better.

'it's not like he needs this class anyways' I thought, he never payed attention in classes but always got the best grades. My guess, he buys good grades with his mommy's money.

I wish I was rich enough to buy grades, but even if I were rich enough to pay off the teachers my mom would kill me if she ever found out. She was a woman of principle and always encouraged hard work.

"Miss Millers, what is the answer to number two?" 'uh,oh!'

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