Chapter 2

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Everyone attention turned to Taylor, wanting her to make a fool of herself. Taylor wasn't the brightest student in class but she always managed to get a C in every subject.

She squinted her eyes through her glasses pretending not to see what was on the board. "Is there a problem Miss Miller? Don't tell me that you can't see the board even with your glasses on?" The teacher asked causing the class to erupt with laughter.

Taylor but her lower lips in embarrassment bowed her head to avoid the mocking faces of the class.

Their snickers filled her ears along with some mean comments that a few dropped.

"That's enough class" the teacher ordered and the class became quiet once again. "Miss Miller, next time pay attention in class instead of drooling over Mr Kings" the teacher added.

Taylor looked at Daniel just in time to see his lips curve into a smirk. She took her seat and fiddled with her pen for the rest of the class.

The bell went and the teacher left, some people left after the teacher while some stayed back to talk with their friends. Taylor having no friends got up and packed her books, she made to leave when Daniel grabbed her and asked "did your mum tell you yet?".

"Tell me what?" Taylor feigned ignorance making him believe that her parents were yet to break the news of her staying with him for the holidays to her.

"Nothing, forget what I said"Daniel replied and let go of her. "Did you not check the weather before dressing up? you're going to catch a cold" He said referring to the sleevless top and thin fabric shorts she had on, Taylor was too busy thinking about how she was going to survive the holidays with Daniel that she had just grabbed anything from her wardrobe and threw it on. "Since when did you care? Mind your business" Taylor snapped thinking he was teasing her. She shot him one last glare and left.

Daniel watched her retreating figure with concern vivid on his face. He didn't seem to understand why Taylor hated him so much.

Ever since they met she developed hatred for him. Everything he did made her feel insecure. Though Daniel knew he wasn't always the nicest with his words but he truly didn't hate her and was happy to be spending the holidays with her, it was like his shot at redemption with Taylor.

Taylor kept cussing under her breath as she marched to the cafeteria. She hated that Daniel was always rubbing the fact that he was perfect in her face.

"Who is he to judge how I dress? Is he saying that I have a bad fashion taste?" She scoffed.

This went on till she got to the cafeteria, everyone who saw her were not surprised as it wasn't her first time ranting to herself in public.

She ordered an hamburger and soda and sat at her usual quite boot to eat. It was located at a corner where no popular kid ever sat. It was probably because of their unbearable A/C or maybe it was the fact that it was right next to the door and the door hit the table Everytime it was opened.

She retrieved her phone from her pocket and went through her mails to see that Madison, Daniel's mother had sent her a text.

Her mum had told her that Madison would text her to inform her of the dos and don'ts of her house and also to make life easier for her while staying with them.

It read:


Taylor contemplated on whether to reply or not, she considered not replying but changed her mind not wanting to pass or as rude.


she didn't reply so Taylor guessed that she must had been busy and tucked her phone back into my pocket.

Sge looked up to see Daniel and his group of popular friends all seated at their regular both. The booth was located next to the heater and was very convenient for winter, unlike the A/C which was torturing Taylor.

She began to shiver from the cold but she couldn't leave as she wasn't the type to leave her food without finishing it.

She tried to eat the rest in a rush but she still had a lot to finish and she was quite a slow eater.

As she munched on the food midst shiver, Daniel glanced over to where she was and he felt pity for her.

He left his booth for hers and took off his coat. Taylor watched in confusion as he put the coat on her just like in the k drama she usually watched.

For some minutes, she actually felt like Daniel was not actually as bad as she thought, until he said "you should really think before you dress in the morning, you could have frozen to death"

Taylor was boiling mad, she was offended my his choice of words, 'what did he mean by I should think before I dress?' she thought glaring openly at him.

As if that wasn't enough, the people present burst into laughter and began making fun Taylor.

Taylor eyes welled with tears and get face turned red in anger. Daniel noticed this and tried to get the student to keep quiet but to no avail.

Angry, Taylor grabbed her can of soda and emptied to content on his head. The cafeteria went silent and only the sound of soda dripping could be heard.

"F**k you!" Taylor cussed and ran out of the cafeteria in tears. Daniel stood transfixed to his spot as water continued to drip down his hair.

He was mad at Taylor for what she did but he knew that he was partially at fault for not being descreet with his words, he shouldn't have said it out loud or better still, he shouldn't have said it at all.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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