Chapter 11 - Change of Perspective

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The ceiling stars twinkled brightly as the night dragged on. The castle's shadow loomed over the the small skeleton while he stood dejectedly in front of its gates. He rubbed the bridge of his nose with a sigh before going in. He trudged through the castle halls quietly, his mind racing a hundred miles an hour trying to process the evening's events.  Many emotions writhed within the skeleton, each fighting one another to be felt.

Time seemed to slow to a near stop to the skeleton as he traversed the castle grounds. But after what felt like an eternity, the male reached the derelict wing of the castle. He looked around wearily before teleporting to the other side of the rusted door. He looked up from the ground to be met with a large room filled with a variety of machines, gadgets, tools, etc. Sans was in the first royal scientist's lab. He faltered briefly before taking his first step into the lab, his bones rattled softly with his rising anxiety. As he walked he scanned the rooms contents for some semblance of an answer to his ever growing questions.

Velvet splatters of blood coated the walls surrounding a spherical shaped machine. The skeleton stopped in his tracks, the machine's dark shadow looming over the small male and his breathing grew short and panicked. His fists clenched as he leaned out to run a hand across its panels. A small plume of dust flew of it surface to reveal the words 'CORE BASED MAGIC ENHANCEMENT' written in red block capitals. Sans blew dust of the glass screen of the machine to reveal the source of the rooms bloody decorations. 

Sans rested his hand against a dried hand print on the blood splattered glass. He let out a long shaky breath before muttering something under his breath "What are you up to... Dad...".

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2023 ⏰

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