The Unknown

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The Unknown

- aesthetic folgt -

Alice Reyes

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━━━━━━━ lines ━━━━━━━

• sometimes it's even better to start
to see things through different eyes •

• i'll choose her happiness over mine
EVERY single time •

• i might have acted like i didn't
but i noticed everything•

• if you were a waiting room
i would never see a doctor
i would sit there
with my first aid kid and bleed •

• and be my mistake?? •

━━━━━━━ Cover ━━━━━━━

by © hopevisions

━━━━━━━ Copyright ━━━━━━━

Jegliche Inhalte dieses Buches unterliegen meinem Urheberrecht [Die Lizenzen des Covers gehören dem ursprünglichen Urheber - Pinterest- , genauso wie bestimmte Markennennungen]. Alle Rechte des Buches bleiben vorbehalten, wie die Publizierung und Übersetzung ohne meine Zustimmung.

© hopevisions

© hopevisions

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2023 ⏰

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