AN (Author's Note)

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I in fact, will NOT make any DaveJade, DaveJohn, JohnKat (Aroace John realest) or any -cest ship (Captorcest, Stridercest etc) headcannons
I will have a LOT of DaveKat in here because I'm a biased fuck :3
Also I'll also have some of my OC's headcannons here
A small intro for them if I may
Name: Fizoli Sezheq
Zodiac: Sagiun
Derse Dreamer
Trollian Handle: spyglassicManifesto [SM]
Gender: Male
Classpect: Mage of Breath
Lusus: Chameleon [haven't decided]
Blood: Indigo
Typing Quirk: >> at the beginning of each sentence, E to £, W to UU and T to +
Fizoli S£zh£k's +yping quirks!!
>>I uuish uu£ could b£ fri£nds +o b£ hon£s+ uui+h you

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