10 - Drüskelle in Halmhend

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Trudging through thick snow and ice for days on end was almost as grueling as being stuck on a trauma-inducing ship. Hours of walking in frigid weather was not good for the Crows, especially Kaz. His bad leg was causing him to suffer, despite what he said. A few of the crows were worried— or satisfied with his pain-, I really couldn't tell...

"Kazzle Dazzle, are you s-" I began to ask, but my inquiry was abruptly met with a gravelly voice I'd come to know... and tolerate.

"Don't call me that," Kaz grumbled with a frustrated scowl. I'd given him the nickname the night I recalled our history together, when he smiled for a moment. His upturned lips and piercing eyes had glimmered in the moonlight; he was dazzling.

Jesper barked out a loud laugh and grinned with amusement. His long limbed body skipped towards Kaz and I, leaning down to my my eye level. "Kazzle Dazzle? Well that nickname is fitting for a sparkling personality such as yourself," he purred to Kaz. The scarred-faced boy paid him no mind, but he gripped his cane tighter.
Nina waddled her way over, having more trouble in the immensely tall snow than Jesper did. She flashed me a mischievous expression before matching pace with our small trio. Inej, Wylan, and Matthias still minded their own business, but I knew the wraith would come to tease Kaz soon enough.

"You're right Jesper, after all, Brekker is such a charming guy, a total heartthrob, really," Nina chuckled at her own comment, soon followed by the sharpshooter's echoing laughter. Kaz stuck out his cane in front of Nina's boot-covered feet, tripping her. I watched as she stumbled with a squeak before regaining her balance. The bubbly girl began cursing him out as she caught back up to us, but Kaz ignored her none the less.

"Come on, Kazzle Dazzle, you're being so rude, unlike your usual, charismatic self," Inej's smooth voice pipped up out of nowhere. Jesper jumped with a curse, followed by the sneaky girl poking him. Everyone seemed so carefree right now, well, except Kaz, but his mind was ancient despite having the body of a teenage boy. It seemed strange to feel so relaxed even though we all knew in the pits of our stomachs that a dangerous heist was occurring soon.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Nina, who seemed unsatisfied by the lack of reaction Kaz was giving to the comments being jabbed at him. Her full lips curled upwards as she exchanged looks with Kaz and I.

"He isn't a prince with powerful seduction, but maybe he could win over a lil' maiden who hired him," her voice was practically dripping with suggestion. Kaz and I stiffened, somehow both more frozen than the Fjerdan chill.

"You're a heartrender, Nina, does Kazzle Dazzle's heart speed up at all around Y/n?" Jesper cocked his head and raised his eyebrows, he shot me a wink before staring at Kaz obnoxiously.

"Oh immensely-,"

"Okay, alright, dolls, let's find a more comfortable subject to discuss before Kaz decides to throw us all into a frigid Fjerdan river...," my voice sounds a little shakier than usual, and it has gone up quite a few pitches, but I clear my throat in an attempt to fix it. My cheeks burn bright red, and only partially from the cold wind hitting my face almost violently. His heart speeds up around me? Was Nina just joking or was she serious? Why does his heart beat fast around me-?

Jesper huffed, making an odd noise before elbowing me, "Kaz wouldn't throw us into a Frigid Fjerdan River,"

"Yes, I would," the head crow retorted. "I'd revel in the experience as well." Jesper faked an offended scoff before dramatically throwing his forearm above his forehead.

"Dealing with you all hurts much more than my leg ever could,"

✵ ♣ ✵

When there were no cabins to camp in, tents were layed out in the snow. We brought along fur-lined blankets taken from a few abandoned homes along the way and our remaining supplies from my ship.

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