The Gifted Enchantress

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Story of Ivy: The Gifted Enchantress 🥹

No one knew and no one cared
Only she had the guts too take down a deadly scare
She is just a fool, everyone thought of her
But she prevailed over those who didn't have a voice to sow
A little was known about this child
She was mysterious, her mother had left her at a young age, and her dad gave her the tools to life and how to live it
But she was different, she had an awakening at 13 to live her own life and shape it how she wanted it to be, so she became an enchantress. She kept her secret life away from the public eye and everyone thought she was nothing but fragile girl; But she was more deadly than a cobra and black mamba combined.
Keeping a low profile on her true colors
She agreed with everyone who doubted her leaving her in a deep depressive state.
Til one day, the a deadly shadow plagued those who doubted
They screamed and cried for help trying to beat the virus by themselves
No one could beat this shadow
But one soul that everyone doubted
Chanted the words leave
The deadly shadow dissipated
And everyone looked on her with a shock
But it was just dumb luck they said
She couldn't do it all by her self they said
Until a more deadlier creature appeared this time. Down below, the lord of the underworld was cleaning out her closet of frightening spirits and one escaped leaving the world in doubt to survive but only one can repel it back to the underworld and that was she that everyone doubted
Again they was frightened and afraid
They tried and tried to dispel the creature but every-time they got closer to the creature, each one got devoured
But only one didn't get devoured, cause she whispered the spell on how handsome the creature was to her calming its mood she repelled the creature back to the underworld and everyone was saved from the creature's belly, the second time everyone said "no it can't be her no way she is a imbecile poor and lonely girl"
But then Thanatos the personification of death himself came to the surface and began to devour everyone again who had doubted her, so one of her doubters came and pleaded for her to dispel Thanatos back to the underworld, but she knew if did they would only doubt her again because they had always said that she wasn't good enough, so she refused and then everyone whom she saved in the beginning had gotten wash away in the shadow, And there she stood alone. Free from chaos and destruction.


For I rose again bright as light
Dripping from head to toe with the blood of my enemies
Those who have doubted me  I Beheaded them with a vicious rage
In my destructive form, I have manifested the goddess Kali Maa and Sekhmet
I walk on the battlefield swinging my two-edged sword chopping those who called me weak, a hoe, immature.
I-rose again radiant as might, drinking their blood that dripped ever so sweetly from my hands, I-made a garland of their beating hearts that Iripped out their chests while they were still alive and laughing at me and I-swung it across my neck, I was dancing naked and finally feeling free from their criticism
I-stood upon their cadavers, yelling and screaming "my victory my victory as come". I have the courage of that eagle warrior, and the strength and cunningness of jaguar warrior . Like the Phoenix rise, I shall rise with it, For my enemies once said their power comes from the help
of the moon, and I-said my power come the strength of that jaguar sun

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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