Prologue - What is a 5 Sauce?

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"JADE!! JAAADEE!" I hear my friend Caroline scream bloody murder while she's running down the hall to my room. I nearly drop the camera when the door slams open and she approaches me to shake me back and forth.

"Jade! I am the happiest girl in the world! Guess why!" I honestly don't know, so I give it a shot... "Umm, did you win the jackpot?"

She makes her areyoufuckingkiddingme-face that I know far too well and I almost can't hold my laughter back.


I feel like I should but I honestly don't know who she is talking about.

"I'm so happy for you! But umm... what is a Five Sauce?" Another look. I feel like I had just asked her what one plus one is... Then she explains:

"5SOS is the short name of my favorite band, 5 Seconds of Summer. They're four australian boys, Luke Hemmings, Ashton Irwin, Calum Hood and Michael Clifford. Well, Calum is kiwi; that's new zealand and scottish. Just don't call him asian when you see him," she finishes and giggles a little.

"C'mon, I've definitely told you about them before."

I smile nervously, shrugging as in saying "sorry, you know I'm forgetful, but you still love me right?"

She brushes it off, then she starts again, this time with a serious look: "There's a thing I wanted to ask you Jade... would you please please come with me? The concert is in Munich and nobody would come along, or even drive. I know it's a lot to ask because you don't even know them, but it'd mean so much to me. Plus, maybe you end up having a good time and a new favorite band?"

"If that is the case, sure, I will come and drive you," I assure her with a smile. It couldn't be that bad. She instantly hugs me and freaks out: "OH MY GOD Jade thank you so so much, you're the best! I promise you, it's gonna be a night to remember! Here's your ticket, it's in a month."

She hands it to me, so I take a closer look at it. The tour name is Rock out with your socks out. It really doesn't sound that bad.

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