Chapter Four

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After the initial excitement I succumbed to my exhaustion and slept for, I kid you not, 19 straight hours. After the nineteenth the doctors thought there was something wrong with me and woke me up.

Bucky was still with me, snoring lightly in the chair in the corner. With all his muscle he looked ridiculous in the tiny thing.

Calypso was in a hospital crib to my left, also fast asleep, while the doctors checked my vitals and the stitches from surgery. Everything looked good, luckily.

While waiting for Bucky to wake up, I got extremely bored. I tried watching television, but I mean all the things I have done in the past year kinda make anything I see on TV either fake or boring. So I decided to see if my powers still worked.

I stretched out my palms and felt the familiar coolness running through my veins, little icicles forming along my fingertips. I looked around, making sure that the doctors weren't in the room anymore, and quickly thrust my hands out, encasing the TV in ice. Smiling to myself, I got rid of it. At least I knew I could still use my powers.

On the subject, I found myself wondering what powers, if any, Calypso would have. She looked so innocent in the little crib, her tiny fingers not yet covered in the blood of those she's killed. I can't imagine this tiny creature having to learn how to fight, or how to shoot a gun, or how to break a neck. Something so pure deserves to keep that purity, but she will never survive in this world like that. One day she will see battle just as I have. And hopefully I will still be alive when she does.

I watched her dream for a little longer, her muscles twitching as she ran from imaginary monsters. She has yet to meet real ones.




The three men, along with the twins, watched as yet another experiment died. Subject terminated, the computer announced. Doctor Strucker slammed his fist into the nearest table, clearly frustrated.

"I do not understand how you two and that Sarah girl were the only ones to survive!" He yelled, glancing at the twins, who shrunk into each other's arms.

"Doctor, we have killed sixteen experiments today. Perhaps it is time to go back to the drawing board," another man said quietly. Strucker laughed at him.

"Do you know how many times I've gone back to the drawing board? Too many! And each time, albeit the creation of the twins and that one wretched girl, something has gone terribly wrong. So I don't want to hear anything else about the drawing board. What I need to do is get ahold of the ice princess herself. We've already examined the twins- we need to examine her. Perhaps she is the missing piece."

The man nodded, running hurriedly away. The twins glanced at one another, silently wondering who this Sarah girl really was. They'd heard about her, and how she was also experimented on, but they had yet to meet this mystery girl. Suddenly an agent ran up to Strucker.

"Sir, I have urgent news!" He announced, raising his arm in a Hydra salute. Strucker nodded at him to continue.

"Sarah was admitted yesterday to the Brooklyn Medical Center." The man said, pausing to gather Strucker's reaction. Strucker himself looked confused.

"Why? Did something happen to her?" He asked, and the agent hesitated for a moment before replying.

"She was admitted into the labor and delivery wing."

Strucker's mouth hung agape, silently processing what the young man had said. Sarah was pregnant? He knew that she had fallen off of their radar, but he did not know that she was pregnant. Quickly he decided to use this to his advantage.

"This may actually be a blessing in disguise. Sarah will do anything she can to protect her child, but she will also be weak from surgery. Too weak to fight off an attack." Strucker said, an evil grin spreading across his face.

"I've changed my mind. Prepare a strike team immediately."


(Latin for oh no) ((Also Latin for I'm a nerd))

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