10 || That was brilliant!

28 5 0

They said he was better than the rest. They were right. He was the best.

Nash Cooper always came across as an enigma, like there was some hidden layer of him that no one noticed. No one dare pried beneath the surface to discover what he truly was. Of how his secrets were deeper than the depths of an ocean and the mysteries around him clogged the truth like smoke.

Seeing Nash win every race he participated in with such ease and style proved how little I, along with the rest of the school actually knew about him. I thought I had a double life. You ain't seeing nothing yet.

"That was brilliant!" I grin as Nash approaches, Jake in tow. The former looks worn out, as he pulls out his helmet, his black hair falling across his forehead like silk.


Honestly, that guy should be in an ad.

"You think?" Nash's lips curve at my statement and he runs a hand down his face tiredly. I don't blame him for being so exhausted, he'd just competed in three races and won all. It's not as easy as it looks. On the other hand, his best friend hadn't performed nearly as well. Jam tried his best, the passion is there, and so is the potential. But racing – is not for everyone.

"Yes! You did such a great job," I beam at Nash despite myself. "Those drifts were so pinpoint and that car – it's so light and supple. Brilliant manoeuvres as well."

Nash nods at me and Jake glances at him with raised brows. I notice the look he exchanges afterwards with Clarissa when he pulls her for a hug. They both share this expression I can't place when their eyes fall on me like I've said something out of turn.

"What?" I frown at their weird glances. "Jake, what is it?"

"Nothing," he shrugs, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "How'd you know so much about cars" Clarissa nods in concession, wrapping her arm around Jake's one. "I'm also surprised. You gave some pretty spot-on commentary when the guys raced almost as if you –"

"It's just basics, nothing major," I interrupt her before she assumes the truth. I do watch racing, a lot. It was my dad's favourite sport. Mum and I still sit Thursday evenings and watch – keep the spirit alive.

But it's not the same. It'll never be the same without Dad.

"Okay then," Clarissa resolves to believe me and so does her boyfriend.

Nash on the other hand arches an incredulous eyebrow to show his disbelief. But he doesn't voice his thoughts on the subject so neither do I.

"Quick! Danger!" Jake calls out at two figures standing some metres away and instantly the wanted men turn their heads in our direction.

Jake beckons them over and they come to join our little group. I recognise them by their dark leather jackets and the cigarettes in their hands, along with their hunched postures, to be the two guys that Jake was talking to earlier, before the race.

"Nice race, well done Cooper," one of the two smirks as they shake hands with the boys. He's got chocolate-coloured eyes, dark skin and black hair, a silver hoop earring glinting from one ear. He tips his head at Clarissa in greeting and then turns his gaze to me in surprise.

"Who're you?" He asks me, but his eyes look to Nash. The second of the two pins his gaze at me, his striking blue eyes holding a dangerous glimmer. There's a roguish smile dancing on his lips that I don't like.

"Who are you?" I narrow my eyes, steadily gazing at the dark-haired one.

Nash sighs at my question almost as if saying 'It's going to be a long night'.

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