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Bob: Alright I'm back darlin~ here's your burger *he places down the burger on the counter with some fries as a side dish) Y/N: oo thank you Bob it looks delicious! *Y/N picked up the burger and began to DEVOUR the burger while  taking in all of the delicious flavors of the burger*
Bob: You ate that pretty fast doll~ you were very hungry if you ask me. Y/N: I was pretty hungry but I have to get going now cause I need to apply for a job in the morning!
Bob: Alright darlin~ I'll see you soon doll.. *bob said under his breath* Y/N: bye bob! Thanks for the food, it was delicious!

I began getting ready to see my doll thinking of what I should do with them while placing on my mask and grabbing my belt. Bob: I should scare them a bit, oh how I am craving their fear.. Wanting to hear them scream my name~(👀) ... Is all I could want~.. I bet they taste as sweet as they smell~.. I could even take a few things for myself just to satisfy my needs~.. I started to walk on the sidewalk to my dolls house knowing they were home and hadn't gone anywhere. I started to approach their house as I grabbed my pic lock and used it to unlock the front door as I heard them in the shower.. how fun~..

Once I got home I decided to hop in the shower to clean myself off since I did all of the dirty work to get my house fixed up. I heard something  creaking up the stairs as I was showering thinking it was just the house but my gut was feeling like it was something else so I turned off the shower as I placed a towel over my body and placed on my Crocs to see what the noise was or who it was.. Y/N: ok don't worry it's probably nothing! But in reality she started to freak out thinking someone or something was in the house..

Y/N Looked inside of their room to find someone in a devil costume going through their stuff. Bob quickly turned around hearing a creak to see Y/N wrapped in a towel looking at them breathing heavily. Bob could see how scared they looked as he started walking towards them. Y/N not even thinking twice she ran down the stairs to call the police but as she was running, Bob managed to catch up to her and pin her to the ground as he was breathing heavily. Y/N started to turn a bright red, noticing Bob was on top of her as she closed her eyes to see if Bob would just go away. Bob underNeath the mask started blushing a light pink color. Y/N in her mind thinking of what to do in this situation as she feels a gentle touch on her lips. As Y/N opens her eyes to see Bob on her lips for some reason she didn't want to let go.. Bob slowly bit Y/N's lip to signal that he wanted to enter. Y/N noticed this as she opened her mouth letting Bob explore her.

HAHA I LIED YOU HAVE TO WAIT MUHAHAHA YOU HAVE TO WAIT AS I READ IT HAHA ( I will be making a male version of the SMUT so please be patient :) )

Darling dear~ (Bob Velseb X Y/N reader)Where stories live. Discover now