Chapter 2!

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(An: I'm sitting my my bathroom crying bc the og creator of the characters Chris saw and liked my video😭 anyway here's chapter 2 thanks for the support!!)

Kyles pov:
I could feel my face go red when we skidded away from the paparazzi back to our apartments,no one's every said I looked hot before especially not Jamie ...
I can't think about it much though we have a concert on in 2 days!

Kyle scrolled through his instagram,it was filled with girls balling over Jason and Jacob.
He decided to post a picture of his new hair cut.
"New haircut looking fresh for the concert!"
In minutes his phone had blown up with likes and comments.
It was all fan girls and boys complimenting him and saying they always knew Kyle was the hottest.
He was flattered he'd never had this much attention.
Suddenly Jamie bursts into his room.
Kyle blushed bright red from his ears to his neck.
"Oh thank you I didn't think I looked that much better.."
The internet had gone crazy over kyles new look!

*2 days later*

It's the day of the concert,everyone's exited.
But Kyle he's so tense he might be sick.
They all run on stage and go into there positions,
Everyone in the crowd screams with excitement!
there's signs about all the group members even Kyle!
You can see the confusion in Jacobs and Jasons eyes from Kyles new fans.
"IM A KYLE GIRL NOW!" Is the most popular sign girls are holding up.
But what Kyle couldn't see was Jamie behind him blushing a baby pink staring at the fascination and happiness radiating from Kyle reading all his signs and new fans.
Shouted Jamie in his head
"I can't keep fascinating about Kyle!"

At the end of the concert there was a line of fans going out the doors to meet Kyle and get autographs,
Kyle had a cramp in his hand from signing everything and anything you could possibly imagine.
"Hey Jamie!"-jc (Jacob)
"Oh hey Jacob, what do you need?" -J (Jamie)
"HOW IN THE HELL did kyle get popular! I AM SUPPOSED TO BE THE HOTEST!!"-Jc
"He got a hair cut no need to shout!"-J

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