Meet with Greet

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*Some voice "Dreams are only illusion".×3
Neon:Ughhhhh not again!!!!I am so sick of this voices. They come again and again god!
*looks outside the window* *smiles* it's evening *realises something and shouts* it's evening I'll be late for tution..Mom!!!! Why didn't u wake me up!??
*Mom turning towards me in kitchen* i woke u up 3 times but u said I'm awake *taunts me indirectly* *sighs* *gets ready* I'm ready to go to tution.Bye mom! *Mom smiles and I got my reply*
*within my mind* i wonder how I wonder why yesterday u told me about the blue blue sky nanananana...*reached tution and completed tution *
Scene changes *that night* Neon:aah I love vampires they're like so awesome and romantic and what not!?? *Her male friend* i can be that *smirks* *i laugh* im good haha *checks on social media platforms that there has been many different ranges n areas where people have seen a monster but they even state that the monster looks charming* damn! A charming monster huh? *Starts making faces* i think I don't know i just wish to meet him if ever possible
*Neon's head pains* oh lord what wrong I did now that I'm getting back this as my karma* *sighs* *looks at fan for 1 hour* *checks social media again* hmm i think i know this place it's not far away *sneaks out from home* *reaches to the forest* woaaaaaàaaaaa damn it's 3:45 am morning , atleast not the ghost hour *laughs* *just then she hear some cracking sounds from far and she follows them* Stop right there! *A male shouts with deep voice* Neon: Hello there I won't hurt you and who are u anyway? He replies after 5 minutes*literally*: I'm Victor *she comes closer to see his face as it was dark* nice to meet you Victor *she adds* Hey I have heard about something like monster..*but before she could end up her sentence she saw his face .. literally like a Greek mythology god and a fictional character who have came in life and she got lost with words* Victor:Monster?
Neon: oh ya yes umm ,he says" y are you outside this late night? Don't your parents worry about u? She replies"nah they never infact they realised they have daughter when I came in 10th *listening to this he laughed* *there's eyes met and both were now silent* Victor cleared his throat: I hm would like to go now and you too should probably be go..*she breaks his sentence* Hell no! I came here all by myself n none helped me and my petrol has gone way to much so I need to make sure i atleast see that monster. Victor laughed "so u wanna see the monster"? Neon: yes *serious face* Victor: close your eyes. *She nods n closed her eyes but even shocked deep down* Victor "now open your eyes" Neon: *chuckles* u can't be monster cause monsters looks like..*just then she remembered that article on social media* *she got all butterflies in a second cause her arge of knowing another world was beyond imagination* Victor: you alright? I'm just kidding *he hesitate to tell her truth* Neon : Let's sit on that tree *she knows he's monster* Victor:sure but after that u are going to leave promise? *Without promising she pushes Victor to move forward till tree they both give there time for conversation to end* Victor: *smiles at her* i can't believe someone like u maybe having this much incredible life out there without anyone realising it. Neon : yeah only u know my secret of incredibly outstanding life. Victor: *shocked* "but u only tell that to" Neon: "Someone whom i really want it to know". Yeah,so? Victor:*blushes* nothing nothing...
Neon: Why the hell are you blushing then huh? Victor:*as it he realises something* I think u should go now it's too late" *the second he said this she jumps from that tall tree* Victor: *shouts* nooooooooooooooooooooooo..
*Victor gets her wrapped in his arms and both are safe but now Victor gets caught of who he really is* Neon: I know that you are a monster . Victor: U should leave Neon there's many other things u can do by being human . Neon : I'll go but I don't want to leave you alone like this. Victor: I'm good the way I'm *he sighs* Neon: I'm not going anywhere *sits on ground* Victor *Sits in front of her as if upto say something but before he says anything she keeps her hands on his cheeks and kisses him* Victor: What did u just did Neon!? Neon:*looks down* i umm I can explain. My life hasn't been fun with humans so... Victor: so what? U have no idea about what can happen *she leans n kisses him again* she says* we can overcome it together *hearing this Victor's eye tear up and he hugged her tightly* Neon: umm Victor i didn't wanna ruin anything but I don't wanna die right now.Vicor *chuckles* sorry dear i couldn't control my emotions. But are you sure you don't want to go to your house to sleep right now?
Neon: Yeah no i don't want to ..we can just sleep under any tree or anything . Victor: No ... I have my home. Her: *shocked* your home? Victor*smiles* aren't u hungry *Neon nods and she follows him till they both see a small normal and simple house made in such a way that 2 people can live there peacefully* Victor:So what next? Neon: Food? Victor: U just ate 5 mangoes and then 2 oranges and u want more huh? Come on don't change topic. ok? Neon: *shocked* how do you *Victor puts his index fingers on her lips* Victor: shh now listen to what I have planned within 30 minutes. We are going to Lake tomorrow morning then after to meet my monster family *her being shocked after listening this* Neon: wait wait wait u r not alone???!!??? Victor: *smirks* No Neon *Neon in deep thought* Victor: what are u thinking now? Neon: nothing pretty much.*They got they don't have any topic left now * Victor: I'll sleep then I guess . Neon: hmm .. Victor: is there anything wrong? Neon:*nods in a no* Victor:*shys* come on tell me!! Neon: *laughs* i wonder how will we even get married. Victor *his whole face is red* i ...i ...Neon: yes Victor you? Victor: We'll get married tomorrow itself..Neon : *shocked as if she saw ghost* what the heck !!?No way. Victor: please marry me * with serious face*Neon : I wonder now how kids will be there but nevermind that now so surely I'll marry you. Victor: I'm very Happy for us N . Neon:*chuckles* what ? Victor: i want to give you a name which only I can call you with . Neon*shys* fine now i think i should sleep.Victor: sure my dear there are lots of works I need to complete before tomorrow evening.Neon: oh okay... good night.*he's goes n comes back n sees her laying down on bed*
*In mind of Victor*
I'll never let anything ever happen to you Neon never ever until I'm alive here and I'll even make sure tomorrow your day should be best day ever in your life because of all things that you have gone through.
Once he is far gone for his work she starts seeing a nightmare n which she's in his room laying down and there's someone watching her from door. Neon:*gasps* oh my God but the second she looks at the door she really sees somethings from side she's stunned and can't move then
Some voice: U r with him? I'm gonna kill you....

To be continued....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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