Final Chapter: Tender

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Hello. here it is, Dulcet's last chapter.

Thank you for all the support you've given me because of this story; it has been great. The messages, the tags, the comments... wow, really.

Please, check my tag to see the most amazing and listen to some songs beautiful people tagged for my story (I was always happy to know you thought of it )

M rated.


He couldn't lose her.

Not her.


It didn't look good, not at all.

They had been riding for two hours and the scenery did not appear to be as it should have been, according to Hans.

"How long until we get there, Armin?" He asked.

The blonde young man only stared at him for a moment, his eyes holding the apprehension Levi didn't want to see, as it confirmed the fears he had been trying to push away to a far corner of his mind.

Armin answered quietly, "...about five minutes, sir."

"Fuck!" Eren yelled, stealing the words from his mouth.

"It can't be fucking here!" Jean added.

"Mikasa..." Krista said softly, making him feel a void in his chest.

It was evident. The place they were searching for was surrounded by a large forest that had no sing of existing around them; there was no way that, within five minutes, it would appear miraculously there, not when all they could land their eyes on was grass and dirt, not when their designated location had been followed unerringly as they hadn't faced any titans and, therefore, no necessary detours had been made.

They had followed the wrong guess.

"It's here. This is the place we were supposed to check." Armin said, looking at a small map on his hand to make sure of his call.

They all stopped their horses.

In the middle of nowhere.

The two accompanying squads had relieved faces, "We got lucky." One of them said, and it annoyed him greatly.

"Some of your comrades could be dying now, but I bet they would love to hear you say that." The soldier flinched at his harsh tone, and apologized quietly, ashamed.

Sure, they could say the luck was on their side, indeed, only not for him and, judging by the gloom faces of his squad, not for them either.

They were all worried for her.

It'd have been better if they had been the ones to come across the mess, because despite the fact that Mikasa had been changed to the other party to even out their strengths, Levi's side was still stronger, and they knew that. Mikasa was a loner and only with them she had learned to work as a team, just like he had. It was something that had taken years of knowing each other's weaknesses and strengths, of knowing who could complement the other in different ways. They knew, even if Hanji's squad had longer time together, his was still stronger as a group.

And they had got the wrong end.


He took a deep breath, trying to calm his rampant thoughts.

Mikasa was good nonetheless, extremely good; she could even surpass him in the near future.

He didn't need to worry about her.

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