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Splitting up while on the job wasn't something that was foreign to Lucy. It happened more than it probably should've to be completely honest. Lockwood and Co. was a small company and because of that, they didn't have the numbers to pair off if they were looking at a large estate for a miniscule source. On top of that, she rarely ever listened to what she was supposed to do (or got possessed) and wandered off on her own occasionally. For this reason, she was used to being alone in haunted buildings and knew what to do if and when she found herself in those situations...

But that was when she could see.

That was when she could hear. 

That was when she knew what she was doing.

That was when she had no reason to live.

Now, though, she had plenty of reason to live...

And for the first time in a long time, she was scared of dying.

It was stupid really, to panic in the midst of possession, but at that moment, Lucy couldn't help it. She was alone when it happened, and for all she knew, she would die alone. She had no way of knowing where the Visitor was, no way of knowing if they were even standing before her, their hand wrapped around her throat as she slowly and painfully suffocated as the frigid fingers burrowed deeper into her skin. For all she knew, she would never again see Lockwood's bright smile or feel his lips move against hers as his hand played with her hair. For all she knew, she would never hear The Skull's crass remarks or see George's trouser-less legs (which wasn't that bad, but still). For all she knew, she would never hear Holly and Kipps fight about the best way to wear the Fittes uniform to a formal event because she was dead.

What was worse, however, was the fact she would never get to meet...them.

She would never get to meet her baby, her precious child that was created at the wrong time in the wrong place. She would never see who they looked more like, nor would she know who they would be. Come to think of it, Lockwood wouldn't even know what they looked like either and that thought devastated her more because he had lost so much.

If she were able to feel, she would've felt the tears were streaming down her cheeks. 

If she was able to hear, she would've heard her piecing scream that echoed around the castle.

If was was able to see, she would've seen Lockwood's terrified face as he stood in front of her.

But she wasn't able to hear, or see, or feel, so to Lucy, she was alone.

And then she wasn't because suddenly...Norrie was there. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 ⏰

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